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The no man's land between the Icewing and Sandwing Kingdoms, as it turned out, was not only a very pretty place, but one where dragons from both tribes could meet and be comfortable with the climate. It wasn't freezing cold like the Icewings loved, nor was it blistering hot like the Sand Kingom. Winter and Qibli both approved of it for that reason, and also because, seeing as many queens would be there, there would be no arguing about territory.

Well, unless Thorn and Snowfall started arguing over who had a right to the territory, seeing as they could both make a claim to it. It was listed on maps as Sandwing territory, but Blaze had promised it to the Icewings in exchange for their help in the war....

Qibli shook his head. He thought about politics too much these days. He supposed it was a side effect of guarding Thorn all day, seeing as he'd caught Six-Claws arguing with Turtle about General Tempest's way of running the Seawing army earlier. That was an argument Qibli didn't even understand. Who the hell was Tempest?

But he needed to stop thinking about Tempest too, whoever she was. Today was not about politics or Seawings. Today was about him and feisty, cold hearted Icewing.

A cold heart that Qibli now owned, whether Winter admitted it or not. 

Why else would they be here, getting married, if the artist formerly known as an Icewing Prince didn't love him?

Yep, you read that right. Qibli and Winter had decided to get married, and because of it, they'd made Moon a very rich dragon off all the money she collected from everyone who was better that one of them would end up with her, instead of with each other.

Qibli had been a littler nervous at first when he had to tell Moon that he didn't have feelings for her- he was more interested in Winter. She'd taken it much better than he'd expected, only patting him on the shoulder and wishing him luck on cracking open the jawbreaker that was Winter.

But Qibli was stubborn, sarcastic, hot and warm. It was only a matter of time before Winter had given in. And while he still acted like an ass to everyone around him, Qibli knew it was just a mask. Buried deep, deep down, was actually a very kind and thoughtful dragon, one that Qibli could see himself loving for the rest of his days.

So they were getting married. Thorn was already crying like a baby, clutching at Sunny and Six-Claws and sobbing about how grown up he was. Sunny was smiling and trying not to laugh at her mother, but Qibli also knew she was holding back so many fangirl feelings he wasn't sure when she was going to explode, but it would definitely be soon.

Six-Claws was a normal guest, just sitting in attendance, wondering what food would be served at the reception.

Qibli was rather surprised at the turnout of guests though. Queen Snowfall had reluctantly agreed to attend and be civil, seeing as her mother had been kind enough to Winter. Winter's parents, of course, had refused to attend and sworn up and down that Winter was not their son, but then again, what else was new? Hailstorm was there, going through as many tissues as Thorn. Qibli was surprised they weren't best friends yet.

The rest of the Dragonets of Destiny had shown up, along with their respective significant others, with the exception of Deathbringer, because Winter had decreed that the only dragons banned from their wedding besides the majority of Qibli's family (which he had also banned) was Deathbringer. The ex-assassin, Glory had assured them, was currently tied to a tree in the forest, and would not be making an appearance. 

The rest of the Jade Winglet was present, of course. Kinkajou was bouncing with excitement, Turtle was trying unsuccessfully to get her to calm down, and while Sora had politely declined an invitation, Umber was there, complaining to Ostrich how he liked Qibli first, but had missed his chance because of Sora's murderous meddling. Ostrich was sitting with her mother, who looked like she was regretting the decision to send her daughter to JMA in the first place.

Of course there were others as well. Many of Thorn's Outclaws, and a few dragons Winter had met since he started working with Riptide to set up a new city. 

The ceremony was simple, seeing as Winter wasn't the type to write up his own mushy vows and Turtle had effectively banned Qibli from ever writing anything again after he broke animus magic.

The only small issue they had was when the dragon officiating the wedding had said "If anyone should object to these two getting married, speak now, or forever hold your peace." Snowfall stood up immediately, and before she could get a word out, was met with glares from everyone else in attendance. Winter didn't even take his gaze off Qibli as he said,

"Sit down, Snowfall, before I rip you to shreds, feed you to a low bred walrus, and give the throne to Hailstorm."

Snowfall sat down, and the ceremony continued, ending with a rather scandalous kiss that had someone running to cover Kinkajou's eyes.

It was, in Qibli's opinion, the best day of his life, and Winter, however frosty he was about the various puns Qibli made throughout the day, agreed.


A week later, a guard slammed on the bars of Cobra's cell in the Sandwing Stronghold, and handed her an envelope. Cobra opened it suspiciously, only to find a fancy invitation, and a letter inside.

You are cordially invited to the wedding between 

Qibli of the Sandwings and Prince Winter of the Icewings

Cobra looked to the letter, her blood going cold with horror.

See? I told you we'd get married some day :)


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