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The Nightwing tribe was in pure chaos. Between Darkstalker going completely crazy, Arctic's death, and Clearsight's warning to move the entire tribe to an unfamiliar chaos, it was borderline anarchy in the place.

And in the midst of all the chaos was Whiteout. Sweet little Whiteout, who had barely moved from the platform her father had been killed on.

Thoughtful had no idea what to do to comfort her, but he knew he had to do something. Whiteout's entire family had come crashing down around her. Somebody had to be there to protect her during the chaos, and Thoughtful had stepped up to the job.

"We need to break into groups!" One dragon was yelling. "Someone has to get supplies! Someone has to keep track of the dragonets!"

"What about the dragonets too little to fly?" Another dragon yelled.

"What if there's not enough space on the island for all of us? Who stays behind?" Everyone was yelling. Thoughtful barely knew where to look, let along who to listen to. He kept close to Whiteout, not wanting to lose her in the chaos.

"What if DARKSTALKER COMES BACK AND KILLS US ALL?!!?!?" Whiteout cringed beside him, and he didn't blame her. Arctic's death was still playing in his own mind. He couldn't imagine what she must be thinking.

"I know!" A dragon yelled, loud enough that a few others paid attention. "Darkstalker will only come looking for us if he has a reason to! And what's the only reason he'd want to find our tribe?"

"To KILL US?" Someone suggested.

"NO!" The dragon yelled back. "To see HER!" The dragon pointed directly at Whiteout, who was starting to shake. Dragons turned towards her, angry expressions growing.

"Yeah!" Somebody agreed.

"She's a threat to the tribe!"

"She's from that family! She might have the same power as Darkstalker did!"

"I'M HAVING A VISION! She's going to be a great danger to our tribe in the future!"

"I see it too! She cannot come to the island with us!" Whiteout threw her wings over her head, shrinking down as small as she could make herself, but the dragons didn't stop.

"She can't be trusted!"


"Her family's the one who cause all of this!"

"I bet she killed Foeslayer too!" Thoughtful watched the crowd with horror, as the ideas they came up with became more and more ridiculous. What were they even thinking?

"I bet she'll lead Darkstalker right to us the second we think we're safe!"

"Maybe we should kill HER in retaliation!" That was too much for him to handle.


"HEY!!!!!!" He screamed, shutting up the dragons. Whiteout didn't move, not even as Thoughtful stepped protectively in front of her. "All of you, STOP IT!!! Whiteout has done NOTHING wrong! She didn't know what Darkstalker was going to do, and she's not an animus like he was! You've seen her! She wouldn't hurt a fly even if we begged her to! You're all turning on an innocent dragon like some angry mob, when the only dragon at fault here is Darkstalker himself, and he's gone! What would the moons think of you? Whiteout is just as innocent as the rest of you, and she has just as much of a right to join us on the island as anybody else!"

"Agreed!" Listener piped up from the back of the crowd. They all stared at him, and Thoughtful spread his wings a little wider, attempting to look more intimidating while also shielding Whiteout a bit further.

"SHE'S PUT HIM UNDER A SPELL!" Someone crowed.

"SHE'S EVIL!" Another agreed.

"YOU KNOW FOR A TRIBE OF SMART DRAGONS YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF MORONS," Thoughtful shouted. "I'm not under a spell! I just happen to care for her! And I won't let you hurt her, so if you want to banish Whiteout from the tribe, then fine, but you'll be banishing me too!" 

"You don't have to do that," Whiteout whispered from behind him.

"Yes I do," He whispered back, as the tribe murmured among themselves.

"Why? They're right. I'm horrible." He turned, dropping down to Whiteout's level, all crouched down on the ground.

"You are NOT horrible," He declared. "You are a wonderful dragon, Whiteout, and you are smart, and you have beautiful ideas about the world, and especially about art. I will not let them hurt you when you have done nothing wrong." He reached for her talon and Whiteout let him take it. "You are innocent in this, and you shouldn't suffer more than you already have."

"Why are you doing this?" Thoughtful blushed.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Nothing is obvious, apparently."

"I like you."

"No one likes me."

"That's not true." She looked up at him.

"Darkstalker said he liked me, and look what he did."

"I'm not Darkstalker, but I am very sorry about what he did."

"I won't forgive him for it." Her eyes filled with tears. "I can't."

"That's okay." She started to cry.

"All I see now is darkness," She whispered. "And yet... you're light somehow."

"You're going to be okay, Whiteout. I'll make sure of it, you hear?" She nodded and Thoughtful turned back to the tribe.

"Well?" He demanded. They were all staring now. Whether they were looking at him, or watching Whiteout cry, he had no idea, but it was enough that one dragon stepped forward.

"Alright." She offered. "She can come." Thoughtful breathed a sigh of relief. "But if Darkstalker shows up again, there will be consequences."

"I promise you she will have nothing to do with it even if he does show up again, but okay."


The Nightwing tribe left the next morning, a sea of dark dragons and one with white wings. And Whiteout and Thoughtful lived happily ever after. 

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