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Qibli paced in front of the Sandwing's stronghold, too nervous to do anything else.

Moon was coming to visit him.

It would be her first visit to the actual Sandwing palace (Thorn hated the word 'palace' but that's what it was), and Qibli wasn't sure what to do. Thorn had never met Moon before, and neither had most of the dragons in the Stronghold, with the exception of Ostrich and Sunny, of course. But most of the dragons there knew of Moon, seeing as Qibli talked about her a lot, and Sunny loved to bug him about her whenever she got the chance. It seemed to him that Sunny was acting more and more like his sister these days, except, of course, she acted nothing like his actual sister, Rattlesnake, because Rattlesnake was an asshole that Qibli never spoke to. 

He didn't speak to any of his family, so Thorn and Sunny and the rest of the Outclaws were the closest to family he had. He was nervous about Moon meeting them, especially since he wasn't sure if she knew how important they were to him.

"So!" Six-Claws's booming voice interrupted his pacing. "Big day. I hear your girlfriend's coming to visit." Qibli's face went red.

"I don't know if she counts as my girlfriend," He admitted. They hadn't really put much of a label on their complicated relationship. Six Claws rolled his eyes.

"You ramble about her enough that I bet she is." He grinned. "You nervous?"

"NO," Qibli declared. "As long as everyone behaves, we should be fine."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Only the finest guards work in Thorn's Stronghold."

"Including you."


"And you'll behave?"

"Of course." Six Claws gave him a pointed look. "It is my JOB to behave. I would never fail at my job." Qibli's heart sank.

So. Six Claws would not be behaving then. Wonderful.

But before Qibli had time to convince him otherwise, a black dragon flew from the sky and landed by them, the silver scales near her eyes sparkling. Qibli's heart jumped.

"Hi Moon," He said, forcing himself to be casual. Moon smiled at him. 

"Hi Qibli!" She looked up at Six Claws, and while Qibli had no doubt that she was reading the Sandwing's mind, she tilted her head and said "Who's this?"

"This is one of the many many dragons you'll be meeting today, I apologize in advance." Qibli explained. "This is-"

"I can introduce myself," Six Claws insisted. He held out a talon and Moon shook it. "I'm Six-Claws. Right hand to Queen Thorn, and one of her most trusted dragons, along with Qibli, of course." Moon's face lit up.

"Oh! You're Ostrich's father! It's so nice to finally meet you."

"And you as well. We've heard so much about you here."

"You have?" Six Claws smirked and shoved at Qibli.

"This one likes to talk." Qibli's eyes went wide, and he was grateful for his skyfire. He wanted to bury himself, deep deep down in a deep deep hole somewhere in the middle of the desert, where no one would ever see him again.

"I know he does," Moon agreed.

"Anyways!" Qibli said. "I'm sure Six-Claws has a lot of work to do, so why don't we move on?" He linked arms with Moon and they headed inside the Stronghold. "What do you want to see first?"

"I don't know," Moon admitted. "I've only heard a little bit about this place, and most of that was stuff that was here when Burn lived here.... You don't still have a weirdling tower, do you?"

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