Chapter 2: Cathedral

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Absolution - Chapter 2 : Holy Cathedral


I sighed as I exited my black Audi R8. Stepping onto the same cold pavement I do every day and straightened out my blazer, my Rolex shining brightly under neath the glare of the sun before closing the door to my car , slipping on my shades and effortlessly clicking my car remote locking it shut. Now don't get me wrong I'm no over posh rich man but I do take great pride in my belongings, who doesn't ?

Slipping into the Cathedral I've come very accustomed to over the years , I smiled graciously at the front door receptionist Linda.

" Gmorning Linda"

She looked up from her computer before her lips curled into a smile , her full attention being put on me. Eh, there was some perks to being the son of the head priest.

" why hello Mr.Bieber you look great this morning " she said , flashing a small tent of pink lipstick on her teeth.

" Ahh you're too kind Linda " I chuckle a hint of pink tracing my cheeks as I straighten out my well cleaned jacket. " Have you seen my father arrive yet? " As if that was even a liable question. Of course he was here, he'd always be the first to enter and the first to leave , but yet I still felt compelled to ask every day.

" He surely has" she smiles handing me a file before folding her age ridden fingers. " This is for you "

" thank you " I say furrowing my eyebrows slightly before following it with a smile and heading back to my office , sighing as I enter and sliding the Manila folder on my desk swiftly. I slide off my jacket laying it across the back of my chair and then sit comfortably in it myself .

My days always stayed like this , nothing special , just the same. Although I wasn't complaining too bad the perks of working here alongside my dad helped the money roll in. But I also get lonesome quite often and wished I could've had the childhood many kids had.

I shook my head , ridding the awful thoughts my dad called "sinful wishing" and cracked open the Manila folder I was given from Linda this morning. Examining it I saw a bright white page with a mug shot of a girl , more or less my age , on the front. She had mascara stained cheeks and she honestly looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but there. But why am I looking through this ?

I licked my lips before skimming my eyes down the page.

Name: Diana Jones
Age: 19
Case Number: 2369932805
Case: Accused of allegedly selling and making illegal drugs and weapons. Accused of smuggling and with holding evidence and suspects. Accused of conspiracy to murder.
Verdict: guilty
Sentencing: 6 months of community service within the Holy Name Cathedral, Catholic church.

I stopped reading before hearing the murmur of my dad's voice and I looked up, confusion written around my face.

" Dad.." I spoke up questioningly before he nodded holding a hand up to silence me as he talked on the phone.

" Yes Maridith, I will see to it that the receipts will be delivered.... Okay... Thank you good bye."

With that he slapped his flip phone closes before bringing his attention to me. That's a first .

" Yes son ?"

I lifted up the page shaking my head slightly. " What is this?"

He chuckled closing the office door and took a seat in front of my desk crossing his legs. " That son is your new assignment" he said raising his eyebrows .

" Not exactly a great one for pick being that she's a nig-" I stopped him holding my hand up to pause his sentence. My dad may have been very proud to speak upon his hatred for people of color but I on the other hand agreed with nothing of the sort.

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