Its her fault.

67 4 0

• James •

" also at 8:00 a man near the 7/11 gas stations was seen leaving with what was said to be the young missing female miss Clarise Parker-...."

I bit my lip listening in to the back ground of the news station as I rolled up a nice clean blunt on the table. My eyes darting back an forth between the two. Dudes out here get more and more stupid every day. How the fuck can you let your face show on camera with a hostage? Rookies.

My thoughts were interrupted by the tv shutting off and a gang of guys laughing and tripping over themselves came rushing in, aka my crew.

These guys were the only family I had and id do anything for them.

I cracked a small smile furrowing my eyebrows. " how the fuck y'all gonna come in here ruining my goddamn relaxing time "

A tall skinny man who always wore the same god damn red jacket aka Trudge came over giving me dap.

" nigga fuck you need 'relaxing time' for" he asked mockingly as he plopped down beside me the stench of vodka and cheap dollar store juice heavy on his breath.

" none of your business, stank breath ass" I joked finally finishing my blunt and putting it to my lips grabbing my lighter from my back pocket.

He squinted. " shut the fuck up"

I chuckled before looking up to the sound of another pair of feet walk in.


" aye fellas " he spoke with a wide grin on his face.

He slapped a few hands of the other guys hands and I chuckled sarcastically shaking my head and lighting my hit up. Unlike the other punk niggas in this room, I wasn't gonna kiss his ass. Especially for what he made my girl do.

I sat back nonchalantly and blow out a puff of thick white smoke . Ahh, cherry. The strong shit.

Eventually Bruce stopped and noticed me and cocky grin across his face.

" what you can't speak to me now little boy. " he asked catching the attention of every one else. " a day in jail and you already acting like you rough " he chuckled slapping the back of my head playfully before I rolled my eyes jumping up.

"Man stop mother fucking playin with me, aight?" I spoke. Trudge widened his eyes before nudging my arm.

" aye James chill dude" Trudge spoke as if to save me from getting a glock to my ass.

Bruce crossed his arms , that same smirk on his lips before I rolled my eyes sitting down and taking another hit of my blunt.

" Bout that girl ain't it " he asked mockingly. A tooth pick loosely hanging between his teeth.

I balled my fists a bit before turning back on the tv.

" you know why we had to do it. She caused too much mother fuçking trouble. We ain't ever gotten caught till her broke ass came. She distracted you from what the fuck you're here for and all our asses got busted." He bent down in front of my face . " you wanna live the rest of your life in that cell lil homie ?"

I locked my jaw staring straight at him.

" no."

He nodded taking my phone .

" good."

And with that he slammed it onto the ground causing everyone to jump up.

But I remained still.

" For now on, we know no one but the people in this room. Period."

~ Diana ~

I yawned rolling over on my side as I laid next to Sean in my room as we watched Dream Girls.

Sean loves him some Beyonce.

I laughed shaking my head. " I'm telling you all those guys in that church are dead ass racist !" I exclaimed before getting up.

" look one of them legit looked at me like this when I gave his dusty ass a pamphlet" Sean watched chuckling and I stood tall walking around my room before making a disgusted face and wiping my hand on my leg.

" Isn't that your usual face ?" Sean smiles eating more popcorn and I gasped flipping him and putting up my middle finger .

" SEAN SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled laughing and throwing an empty can of Pepsi at him.


I went back over to my bed and chuckles picking up my phone.

" this is why the fuck you're single Sean." I said jokingly as I looked through my phone.

No text or calls from James.

I sighed silently and Sean grinned.

" I'm waiting for Beyoncé fuck I look like dating one of these basic bitches. " he said wiggling his eyebrows and I nodded.

" yeah that's why"

Getting back on my bed and I purses my lips to the side reluctant to ask but decided I had nothing more to lose.

" Have you by any chance heard from James lately ?" I said biting my lip.

He furrowed his eyebrows his mood obviously changing.

" no I don't talk to him like that, you know that " I rolled my eyes feeling suddenly not too in the mood for enjoying myself and shook my head.

" never mind"

He nodded swallowing a bit more popcorn in silence before putting the bowl down.

" maybe it's best that he hasn't reached you" he said dusting off his hands. " I mean without him, you can't get into any more trouble, your life will be easier.."

I cut him off.

" easier? Sean, James is my life. He got me to where I am now " I spoke up defensively.

" oh yeah right cause going to a racist Catholic Church for 6 months for his shit and living in a apartment in someone else's stolen name is just glamorous huh ?"

I flared my nose from so much anger I had in that very moment. How the fuck could he say that ? Did he think I wanted to live like this ? Just because he has 2 parents to go home to?

I pointed to the door not daring to look at him.

" get out."

He sighed shaking his head. " Diana it isn't even like that I ain't mean-."

"Get out." I said again cutting of another line of bullshit.

He looked at me , as if hoping I would change my mind but I stayed in my same position. He shook his head before getting up and grabbing his book bag he carried around with him everywhere.

" aight."

He opened my door before turning around .

" I'll be here at 7 to pick you up" and with that he left leaving me to sigh stressfully.

I laid myself back on my bed and looked up at the ceiling biting my lip to hold the tears in that rimmed my eyes. What Sean said couldn't have been right... Right?

Breathing out I took my hand and wiped it down my face ridding myself from any emotion that I once held and licked my lips. Fuck what everyone says, and I'll be damned if I make a fool out of myself by crying any bit. Sitting up I ran my fingers through my hair spotting a pamphlet left over from the church.

Taking it in my hands I peeped down at the front page , Justin and his father Jeremy standing proudly in suits.

Fuck asses.

I took the pamphlet in my hand crushing it into a ball before throwing it at the wall .

James will call soon enough I know him. I know it. Without a doubt he'll call.

He'll call.

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