Day One

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Diana POV

After passing the pamphlets out to over 100 obnoxiously rude members of the church, I searched around the back rooms for Justin. I looked around the course hickory colored doors and peeked over the corner to see an older angry man from earlier yelling at Justin.

“Justin does your father know about the trash you’re letting in this church!” He exclaimed adding emphasis on the word trash. I was a bit taken back by his tone, despite his attitude from before.

Justin sighed preparing his father’s things for the mass, that was occurring in 20 minutes.

“Mr. Henderson, My father and I are well aware of the distaste our members have expressed about Ms. Jones. As much as we’d love to help, she will be here for 6 months and you all might as well become accustomed to it.” He shook his head while stacking the papers and standing up. “We will not have her removed from the premises, so, please. Allow me to prepare for mass.” Justin nodded and sighed waiting for the old man to leave. Mr. Henderson played with his false teeth in his mouth before stepping out bumping into me. “Watch where the hell you’re going, ya damn monkey.” He fixed his suit before stomping off angrily. I scoffed at him. Who the hell does he think he is? Everyone in this damn church are some assholes. I shook my head before entering Justin’s office. He had his glasses laid on the tip of his nose with a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead as he searched through the papers. “Damn it!” He screamed before throwing the stacks of paper onto the floor, running his fingers through his hair. “Hey, are you okay?” I said pursing my lips and walking in quietly. He looked stressed out. His tie was halfway off, and his white button up was untucked and disheveled. His eyes quickly beamed at me with anger. “You!” He started while picking up his fallen papers. “You’re what’s wrong. I shouldn't have to sit around and watch a criminal!” He said. “That is not my job. I plan on making something of my life, but no.” He said laughing sarcastically. “What father says, goes.” He said biting his lips and staring off into space. I simply kept my head down. This kid clearly has some issues, but their not my fucking problem. He still a rude bastard. I scoffed at him trying to hold my smart ass mouth to myself in fear of him snitching on me again. He took a deep breath, gathering himself before speaking. “Did you finish your job?” He said looking at me holding his papers close to his chest. I scoffed and rolled my eyes turning to walk out. I’m tired of being treated like shit in this . He quickly followed behind me grabbing my arm pulling me back to look at him. “Look, I don't want you here as much as you don't want to be here, but I will NOT condone disrespect and your little sarcastic remarks, so do us a favor and try to make these months fly by quick. Just keep your mouth shut and do what I say. Got it?” He looked at me with a stern look and his jaw clenched. I closed my eyes to stop the roll before nodding stiffly. “Can I go now?” I opened my eyes and looked at him frowning at his grip on my arm. He let out a slight chuckle, shaking his head and letting my arm go. I huffed before marching back into the oratory and taking my seat in the back row with the custodian staff. I checked my phone once more. All I saw were several text messages from Sean, asking how was working at the church and if I wanted to hang, but none from James. I pulled my bottom lip into my mouth staring at his contact information. Why had’nt he called me? Was he upset with me? I didn't even do anything. I decided to send him a quick text.

To: Jay <3

Hey babe, its me. Call me when you can

I locked my phone once the head priest came onto the stage. The entire room quickly silent in respect for him. Jeremy Bieber was the head priest. His father built the church in 1927 from the ground up. The church hasn't been as great as it is now. The Holy Name Cathedral is one of the largest and richest church in Chicago, so I can see why so many people love and respect him. I, on the other hand never heard of the man until my trial. He seemingly floated to the podium. Justin sat uncomfortably beside his father, clutching his bible. Jeremy stood at the podium with such suave. He looked much younger than his actual age. He had a clean shave and his hair combed back. He seemed to have a permanent stern face.  He looked through his bible, finding a bookmark, before he spoke, “As we left off yesterday,” He started  Jews, Gypsies, Arabs, black people, brown people, East Asian people, Malay race people, and mixed-race people to be inferior to the master race.” My eyes immediately widen, I look to the side of me to see the rest of the staff scoff and shake their heads. “Did he just say…” I started. An older middle eastern guy spoke up. “Yeah, they have a weird way of thinking.” He whispered shaking his head looking the priest continue his sermon. Just my fucking luck. I’m on probation, have a snotty rich kid baby sitting me, and to top it all off, I have community service at a racist church. I sighed and blurred out the rest of Jeremy’s speaking. By the time I lifted my head back up, Justin was at the podium closing mass with a traditional prayer. “Let us all bow our head, in prayer for our heavenly father.” He said slightly smiling before closing his eyes and bowing his head. “Our Father,

Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.” The members of the church all replied “Amen” on a deep monotone before starting to depart. “Confessions will be held shortly.” Justin added before marching off back to his office. I laid back in my chair and called Sean. I’m just happy to get day one over with.

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