Let the Games Begin

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Fuck...The hell happened to me? And why the fuck does my head feel like it's about to explode?! For a minute it really is all a blank, but as I struggled to open my eyes and then groaned at the pain that started to shoot across my face as that unmistakable metallic taste begins to become stronger while it swirled and pooled inside of my mouth, the who, what, when, on top of the complete severity of my situation all came flooding back to me, and to be honest it was my worst fucking nightmare.

Instinctively I attempted to move my hands but quickly realized that they were tightly tied around my back. Momentarily giving up on my hands I leaned forward and was quickly stopped by the rope that was tied around my chest and my waist, which by my quick calculation was giving me less than a quarter of an inch of wiggle room in either direction.

"Fuck" I gargled out lowly as I tried to calm myself down and figure out how I was going to get myself out of this.

"Guess I don't hit like a bitch after all huh?" Titan chuckled from somewhere off to my side.

This bitch.......

Slowly turning my head in the direction of his voice I spot him a few steps off to my side, and slightly smiled before spitting the pooled blood that was in my mouth out in his direction.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I took immense satisfaction in watching it land all over his shirt, pants and the tips of his cheap-ass terrible fucking shoes.

"My seven-year-old daughter hits harder than you.....Bitch!" I snarled through a bloody grin as some blood dripped down my chin and he continued to look at his now soiled clothes.

Grumbling under his breath he abruptly stopped and slowly lifted up his head. I expected him to look pissed, I expected him to say some smart shit or even lash out and hit me but what I didn't expect was for him to look at me and smile. And not any ordinary run of the mill gloating type smile, oh no this was that made every hair on my body stand up, and send dire warning signals throughout every single one of my veins type of smiles.

"Speaking of your seven-year-old daughter" he smirked as he wiped his hand over his face and his evil ass smile stretched out even wider, "Hey G! Bring out those two fucking little misfits!" he hollered over his shoulder as Gianna appeared out of the shadows in the corner and smugly grinned at me before disappearing behind a closed makeshift door.

I slowly looked from where Gianna had disappeared and back to Titan as my heart started to rapidly beat in my chest in warning.

"I swear to fucking God if you-"

"If. I. What?!" he slowly taunted as he cut me off, took a few steps forward and kneeled at the waist so that his hands were on his knees, we were face to face, and he was looking me in the eye.

"See you don't seem to understand the gravity of the current situation that you're in so let me explain it to you. Not only do I have you" he started to explain as the door creaked open behind him and I did my best at maneuvering my head around his body to see what was happening behind him.

"But I have those two little ragamuffins that Raelle seems to love most in the world" he chuckled darkly as he slightly stepped off to the side and watched the blood drain from my face while I watched Gianna drag my stumbling princesses behind her.

"No....no...NO! LET THEM GO!" I yelled as I bucked against my restraints and the chair started to scrape against what seemed to be a cement floor.

I can hear the girls whimpering from next to Gianna and I'm beyond pissed and already on red alert but it's the way that Joelle's head is hung and Gianna is seemingly dragging her sluggish body next to her, along with the way that Emma continually tried to keep her eyes on her cousin that caused me the most concern.

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