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A/N #1 Okay so I know this update is super overdue but once you get to the end and the second A/N hopefully you guys will understand and forgive me! 😘

Also this chapter is long 32 pages in word long so be warned lol

Leati POV

Staring at my wife, she presses her hand over her mouth and cries out as she continues to ramble in hysterics,

"Leati...I swear...I never cheated on you!" she sobs as she emphatically shakes her head back and forth


"But Titan, he said..he said that we, that he..." she cries as she looks at me with a terrified look in her eyes.

"Baby please don't" I plead while shaking my head as my eyes begin to sting, at the overwhelming amount of unshed tears that are building behind my eyes.

I don't want her to finish that sentence, and it's clear that neither does she as she drops her face into her hands and crumples into a ball of tears.

Stepping forward I take my hands and hold her face. Angling her head, I bend at the waist so that we're looking eye to eye, as I stroke my thumbs back and forth against her cheeks,

"Ell...La'u Agelu....I know...I know you never cheated on me, I also know what he told you...I know what he did, and I know what he tried to do....Agelu, I know it all..." I sniffle as my voice cracks and my wife releases a gut wrenching sob that does at this point what I thought impossible and further breaks the pieces of whats left of my heart.

Doing the only thing I can think of to ease both of our tattered hearts, I wrap my arms around her convulsing body and lay down beside her, with one arm tightly wrapped around her back and one hand wound securely into her hair. Holding her head under my chin and to my chest, I kiss the top of her head and attempt to speak soothing words as I too begin to emotionally break down, and my silent tears begin to soak the top of her hair, just as Landon and the doctor make their way through the door.

Slightly tilting my head as I look at the door I shake my head and motion for them to leave.

Taking a look at Ell's and my current state Landon doesn't even hesitate. He simply reaches his hand back, motions for the doctor to remain silent, quietly opens the door and escorts him outside.

Holding my wife close as she continues to sob into my chest I lean my head back down against hers and cry right along with her.

How am I ever going to be able to make this right again for her?


With the Doctors once again checking Ell's vitals I stand in the corner and do all I can do, which is to watch and listen as my mind races a mile a minute to try and piece together the events and the facts that caused the love of my life to be lying unconscious in a hospital bed and dangerously close to a coma.

I have to give it to him he was smart to have a waitress tell her I was there and that I wanted to see her. He knew that it would not only garauntee that she would go but that no one would come looking for her for quite some time. I'm sure he was banking on that, hoping it would buy him just enough time to make her drink whatever solution it was that he brought with him, that according to Emma, my Ell had smartly knocked away from her and out of his hand.

I know that she must have been so scared...especially when Ilene injected her with the syringe with something that was unknown.

But my Ell is a fighter, and stronger than what even she gives herself credit for, because the Doctors confirmed that from what they could gather, based off of the Seconal Sodium that's in Ell's and Ilene's system and the remnants in the syringe that we found at the scene, the dosage that was in the syringe was triple the recommended dosage for sedation. When I asked the Doctors exactly what that meant they looked at me and in short explained that the dosage in the syringe was enough to put down 2 in their prime thorough bred prize racing hourses, and that even though what was in my wifes system wasn't even a third of what was in the syringe she should have been completly unconscious once it was injected in her system and mixing into her blood stream, but by all accounts from Emma and even from what was my own first hand interaction with her, that was not the case......

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