chapter 2

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Waking up I jumped out of bed, it was Saturday. they had found were they were holding Izuku after the meeting it was in a neighborhood. She was greeted by Uraraka by her door. They had to run to the classroom and grab their costumes. After they had gotten there costumes they were greeted by The underground hero: Eraserhead is also known as their teacher. A lot of people were there when they got there. we were going to save him. when we got in there the police and a lot of other heroes.  The chief to the police had gone to the gate and all of a sudden the door exploded open a few of the police officers went frying so I used the rescue scarf the Eraserhead gave me to help with my hero costume to save some of them getting injured any more then they have. Then Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Nejire one of the big three's. Said they will take care of this person we just needed to get in to save him. Some more of the heroes had stayed up here to deal with the thugs that weren't letting us get through. 

As we got inside we got to the secret passage area and Nighteye opened it for us I was close to the front with his then for a second I thought we took the wrong way because there was a wall in the way then I asked, "Is this the right way..?" Nighteye just nodded then Lemillion used his quirk and looked though to the wall he said it continued when he came back so I activated my quirk and touched the wall. it disappeared.  I quickly deactivated my quirk and we continued our way to find him. The walls started to shift around so Nighteye told us the directions right before they fell we quickly continued on our way.  I asked him "Do you think they will be okay?" "Yah! They will be alright and so with Izuku!" He replied with his big smile. I smiled back as we continued. We had gotten to her room 10 minutes later to not find him there. 

We stood there for a moment. then I thought if they were moving him then they would have to walk because they would have to carry him. "Lemillion you need to catch up to him to see where they are so I can help you as soon as you find them and the commotion starts. If I'm correct then they would start heading in that general direction."I would tell him pointing away from where we came from. we took off while he was in the walls I would be running to find where they are. It took another ten minutes till I heard the commotion coming from the direction I was heading in while on the way I heard a small rumble from below me so I stopped. "h-huh? I wonder if this will help them." I had activated my quirk and placed it on the floor. The rumbling stopped so I deactivated my quirk and went to go help Mirio out. As soon as I got there Mirio was looking like he was about to pass out. I quickly ran to them to make sure that they were safe. I had activated my quirk to reverse the damage on Mirio then I found out his quirk was removed. "W-what happened?" I asked a little Scared.

 Then there was rumbling and then all of a sudden the area was cleared and there was Overhaul. He looked pissed so I quickly finished and help Mirio get his quirk back. My horn got smaller and I was starting to feel sick I picked up Izuku and saw a small box so I picked it up as well and slowly started to leave with him. We had gotten to the hallway when I heard footsteps heading my way, and fast I leaned up against the wall holding Izuku closely. The footsteps stopped and I opened my eyes to see Eraserhead standing there with Nighteye. I stuck my hand in picket I pulled out the box handing it to Aizawa My tense body relaxed and I had passed out. 

When I woke up in the hospital bed covered in bandages. I was feeling a lot better and I looked around and noticed a hat, but the hat had two cream horns and the base color of the hat was red so I knew that this was Kota's hat. I think he went to get a drink. I had sat up in the bed and then I heard the door open. It was Kota and Aizawa. They walked up to me. "how long was I out?" I asked my voice slightly scratchy. "about a day..." Aizawa said I could hear the sadness in his voice. My eyes flashed concern as I slowly stood up. "Is something wrong sensei?" I asked after drinking the water Kota handed me. He had told me to follow him so I did. I was led to the emergency area. I slowly had a panic rising in my chest. 'Who was here and why are they here?' thoughts were running through my head.

We got to the room and Aizawa opened the door and it showed Nighteye, All might, and Mirio. Fresh tears were running down my cheeks as I went over to his death dead. He smiled at me. And put one hand on my cheek and his other on Mirio. I started sobbing as he had passed away saying his final words "you both will be fine Heroes one day." That was an emotional day for us we were told to head back to the school. I didn't get back till sundown because the detectives wanted to ask me questions about what happened in my perspective. 

When I got back I was bombarded with questions. I was still really tired because Recovery Girl had to still heal a few things so I said: "I will answer the questions as soon as I eat something." I had sighed as I sat on the couch as they asked questions. I answered most of them while eating apple slices. I was going to the hospital tomorrow to see Izuku if I was correct. We didn't have school today but Aizawa had come into the dorms as we had no school that day and said he had an announcement for tomorrow and walked off with his yellow sleeping bag under his arm. And so we got ready to head to bed and I dozed off to sleep

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