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Third person POV

The last 5 1/2 hours were excruciating for Anne as her and Gilbert drove through the vast forest filled with towering evergreens. Anne still had no idea where this brown haired boy was taking her and the anticipation was killing her.

"Pleaseee tell me where we are going" whined Anne

"Sorry carrots it's a surprise" Gilbert said chuckling softly
Anne slumped down in her seat rolling her eyes.
Why isn't he telling me she wondered

"Gilbert if you don't tell me where we are going right now , I will have no choice but to assume you are taking me to a dark cabin in the woods to murder me!" Anne said with a laugh

"Wow Anne I cant believe you don't trust me" Gilbert said raising an eyebrow and winking at Anne

Anne's cheeks flushed but she forced it down, praying he didn't notice her cheeks turning pink. Of course Gilbert did notice, but assumed it was out of anger, because obviously Anne would never like him.


After about another half hour of comfortable silence, Anne fell into a deep sleep.

Gilbert gazed upon her face, lit up by the full moon softly beaming down on her, and her beautiful freckles shining like stars speckled on her cheeks.
God she's beautiful Gilbert thought, he could not stop himself from admiring her beauty and how her long thick eyelashes slowly flickered, indicating she was dreaming.

Gilbert looked up realizing that they had arrived at their destination, a small cabin far out side of Avonlea. He smiled at the small building remembering the special times he had spent here with his family, his mother and father used to take him and his siblings to this cabin for mini vacations and Gilbert loved every bit of it. He loved how the wind blew the scent of the pine trees gently through the house and how the floors creaked so loudly when you walked across them. He loved the dock down below where he and his siblings would jump off into the shining lake in the summer. He loved it all, so he figured why not bring the person He loved to it?

Gilbert looked over at Anne as he pulled into the gravel driveway, savoring her beauty. He gently shook her shoulder, waking her up.

"morning sleepy head" Gilbert said as Anne's eyes slowly opened "we're here"

The sound of Gilbert's voice was an instant comfort to Anne making her smile as she woke. She turned and looked out the window
"YOU ARE TAKING ME TO A CABIN TO MURDER ME" Anne screamed while biting back her laughter

Gilbert looked at her and they both burst into a fit of laughter while getting out of the car.

Anne looked around, stunned and amazed by the beauty of the forest . She breathed in the scent of the pine and old wood coming from the trees and cabin.

She must have been admiring the woods for a while because she spotted Gilbert sitting down on the cabins porch staring up at the stars and slowly made her way to sit by him.

As she sat down next to him she spotted a small tear trickling down his cheek. She brought her thumb up and slowly wiped it away leaving her handing cupping his cheek.

"Are you okay Gil?"

"Yeah I'm good don't worry about me" he replied sorrowfully, obviously not convincing Anne for one second.

"Gil I know you, you aren't okay just tell me why"

Gilbert sighed knowing he couldn't hide anything from her, "Well it's just that I used to come here with my family... and I- I guess I miss them more then I thought it would" His eyes glazed over as he held back tears

"Oh gil" Anne breathed as she wrapped her arms around him.

Gilbert buried his head in Anne's shoulder and let a few tears escape flowing down his soft skin.

Anne pulled away from the hug, leaving her small hands lingering on his shoulders, as she looked into his soft, hazel eyes, all she wanted to do was pull him close and connect their lips.

Gilbert gazed into Anne's eyes, he saw how they sparked in the moonlight, and that they were not simply blue like he had previously thought, no, they were a incredible array of teals and baby blues, swirling around her pupils creating a deep ocean-like abyss that he wanted more then anything to get lost in. I wish I could kiss her he thought to himself.

The two sat on the porch in the moonlight, gazing at each other for a while, neither of them necessarily wanting to break their gaze, until Anne's eyes fell to the ground and a small blush crept on her cheeks, turning them a baby pink. Gilbert moved his gaze to the near by forest pretending to admire the tall evergreens in an effort to hide his own heated cheeks.

Then suddenly Anne broke the silence.

"Hey gil?"

"Yeah Anne-girl?"

"There's something I need to tell you..."

"I'm right here, I'm listening"  he replied ever so sweetly

"I - I - I really like you and not just as a friend, actually I think I might love you but that's not the point, I know you don't feel the same and that I've probably ruined everythin—-"

Before Anne could finish Gilbert pulled her into a soft kiss silencing her ramble, and filling her stomach with swirling butterflies.

Anne wrapped her arms around his neck and deepend the kiss, running her fingers through his incredibly soft curls, never wanting it to end.

When they finally pulled away Gilbert let out a small nervous chuckle not exactly believing what just happened. Anne (of course) mistook this laughing for him laughing at her, and tried to recover quickly.

"I understand that you couldn't feel the same for me, I mean look at me I'm skinny and homely and this awful red hair-"

"ILOVEYOU" Gilbert blurted, a little stunned at himself "I- I've loved you since the first day I met you and you hit me over the head with a textbook, I love you , I love everything about you, how your freckles are like stars, and your eyes are like great oceans, and you hair my, gosh I love your hair, and how it lights up my life"

Anne was shocked and stared at Gilbert, she realized that a few tears had escaped her big blue eyes and more were flowing down her pale skin. She grabbed him and hugged him tightly as if she never wanted to let go.

And you'll never have to Gilbert thought as he reciprocated the tight hug.

A/N this is my first real kind of story so sorry if it's not amazing lolll but yay Anne and Gil are together! 🤧

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