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AnnE gil is trying to teach them photography

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AnnE gil is trying to teach them photography... wish him luck
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Tagged @gilblythe  @dibarry @jandrews    

    AnnE RIGHT?!

Gilblythe I need all the luck I can get 😳
    AnnE 😆🤧

Rubygills hey I want a photography class!!
    AnnE next time??

Jandrews oh come one we aren't THAT bad!
   Gilblythe yes, you are

Dibarry maybe if Jane stopped with the dad jokes it would be easier 😙
    Jandrews heyyyy :((((((
    Roy.al aw I like her dad jokes!!
    Jandrews at least someone does :,(

Mood.y good luck 😳

Roy.al Jane is such a silly goose
    Jandrews what are you 5??
    Roy.al :( that hurts
    Jandrews sorry but... it's true

Csloane the fact that he even agreed to do that....
    Gilblythe wasn't my wisest choice

Farmboi aww di is gonna be an awesome photographer!! Now she can take pics of me instead of that back stabber
    Gilblythe jer are you still mad at me?! :(
    Farmboi you dumped AND replaced me! OF COURSE I AM 🤧
    Gilblythe I'm so sorry!!!!!!! I never meant to hurt you!! I love you!!!! Take me back!!!!
    Farmboi hmm..... fine gilly I'll take you back but you are walking on thin ice mister
    Gilblythe thank you I promise I will not let you down ever again jer - bear !!!
    AnnE what about me gil?!😔
    Gilblythe sorry Shirley, I found someone new.
    AnnE wow I'm hurt! And my own brother!!
    Gilblythe sorry not sorry ;)
    Cxleartist tHe BrOmAnCe iS rEaL
    Dibarry ^ for real


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