chapter 1

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I groaned I could barely breathe my vision almost completely blurry and getting darker by the second. I knew at least two of my ribs where broken and think my right clavicle and arm are also broken and who know what else is wrong with me.

I don't know what was going through Vernon's mind when he came into my room that night he looked deranged his eyes where blood shot and he looked almost purple in the face. His brows were scrunched together and his beady eyes almost disappeared. But what was most noticeable was the wooden bat he held swung over his shoulder.

I thanked God that Vernon was old, out of shape and over weight because he soon ran out of strength and hobbled out of the room but not after beating me till I couldn't move think or breathe. I thought I really was going to die when a piercing pain spread through out my body. Centering at my back and spreading outward I don't know how long I wreathed in pain. my teeth gritted to stop the sounds from escaping. all I know is I couldn't wait for the darkness to take me when it was finally over.

When I finally woke it was in a bed soaked through with blood. so i got out of bed slowly every muscle and joint aching I gently pulled on a tshirt. Well at least I tried to but the damn thing got caught right after I slipped my head through. I pulled it back off and went to the bathroom. Thanking my lucky stars that the dursleys had already left for the day, I wonder why they didn't wake me. Vernon probably thought he had finally killed me and he was afraid to find out.

I pulled my blood soaked pants off and turn to get in the shower but as I do I noticed my reflection in the mirror or at least I hope it was me because I looked completely different.

Gone where the sparkling green eyes I had grown up with and in their place dark onyx eyes with a very thin outer ring of silver I had grown up from my weak 5"7 to at least 6"5 maybe even more and my body had filled out, gone was the scrawny skinny boy and in his place was a strong muscley man. As I looked at my body I couldn't help but be shocked. I had the body like the men that be in the magazine's in Dudley's room. (I find them hidden under his bed when I have to clean his room)

But what was most surprising was the thick ridged black and blue horns that curved up from my temples and the pitch black wings on my back. My hair had also grown. Still pitch black it now reached my waist covering my now pointed ears.

I could still see traces of dried blood on my skin so I hurried and got in the shower. I turned the water so it was scalding hot and let the warm water soothe my tense muscles. I washed quickly and grabbed my towel. Entering my room I noticed an brown owl pecking on my window. I open the window and it waits for me to take the parcel off of it's leg and it immediately flies off. I slowly untie the purple ribbon that held the parchment closed it read as so.

Mr. Potter

It has come to our attention that you have gone through an early inheritance please come to gringotts national wizarding bank to receive your monetary inheritance. This letter is a portkey please say: groblin hook when you are ready for transport.


I looked down at myself and see I'm still only dressed in a towel. I wander over to my dresser already knowing that I had nothing nice to wear. I tried to put on one of Dudley's old button downs but now I couldn't fit it and all of my pants were too small. I had to go to Vernon and Petunias room I couldn't stand the idea of putting on one of his sweat stained shirts and grabbed a pair of his pants. They weren't long enough and they were to big but they were all I had.

I felt ashamed of myself but I knew it wouldn't get any better than this. So holding the letter in one hand and my pants in the other I said goblin hook and portkey to the inner bank. I was glad because I didn't want any one to see me in my disarray.

Standing before me was none other than roghan himself he looked surprised at my shoddy appearance and immediately walked me into a back room where he handed me an rob and cotton pants. The pants were too small and too short. And the robe was to tight but it was better than nothing.

When I went back into his office which was connected to the bathroom I saw him sitting at an surprisingly large desk he levitates a heavy oak chair over to the desk. He motions me to the seat and proceeds to pull out an blank parchment and an knife. I flinched in surprise I had been stabbed before but I wasn't expecting this meeting to go like that.

Don't worry, he said this is just for the blood test you only need to let three drops of blood drip onto the parchment.

I nodded my head and slowly reached for the knife. I gripped the knife and deftly nicked my finger and let the drops of blood flow onto the parchment. Slowly black writing began to spread over the page.

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