Before and After the Coronovirus Quarantine

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I 100% acknowledge that the below situations could very easily be presented with the exact opposite outlook; I could write only the negative ways in which Coronovirus quarantine pans out in our lives. It'd be SO simple to do. 

I know we're all facing hardships, sorrows and frustrations during this pandemic. Therefore, I am consciously and actively looking for positive ways to count my blessings. My writing is one avenue of release in doing so. 

So, yes, the below scenarios could be negative if I chose to write them that way, but I don't. 

I want to give some small examples of how the virus outbreak can bring us together instead of apart.

My thoughts and prayers to you and your loved ones. Stay safe and take care.



Before Mom: Simon, where do you wanna pick up dinner? It has to be somewhere quick; his game starts in like 10 minutes.

Before Dad: We gotta cut back on all this eating out, Mae. It's costing us a fortune, and all this fast food is full of salt and saturated fat.

Before Mom: What're we gonna do? We don't have time to cook after work, not with his game and all. This is crazy.

Before Dad: I know, but this has to stop.

After: If you cut up the broccoli, I'll make us some biscuits to go with the chicken and gravy.

After: Okay, Hun.


Before Parent: What did you do in school today?

Before Child: Nothing.

Before Parent: I can see that; your teacher told me you didn't do any of your classwork. Why didn't you do your work? What's going on?

Before Child: Mom!

Before Parent: What?! What's going on?

Before Child: I don't wanna talk about it. School is stupid.

After Parent: Ok, let's sit down together and go over this reading assignment....Hmmm, yeah, I can see why that might be confusing. Here, let me explain what they're asking...Yeah, you got this now. Ok, so the next part...


Before: Jane, please call me back. I haven't heard from you. You never call me. I'm lonely. I know you and the kids are busy and all, but it's been too long. I have no one to talk to.

After: Hey, mom. How are you? Yeah, we're all good. It's nice being home. Hectic, and there's a lot to do with homeschooling and working from home, but yeah. It's good to hear from you, too. What've you been up to?


Before Sibling 1: Mom! Aaron won't leave me and my friends alone. Tell him to go away.

Before Sibling 2: Dad! I'm going out with the guys. Jimmy sucks. 

After Sibling 1: Aaron, you wanna play a game of hoops with me out back?

After Sibling 2: Yeah, okay. 


Before Sibling 1: Who moved my headphones? Where's my charger? Mom! Angelina has my cord!

Before Sibling 2: I do NOT!

Before Sibling 1: Yeah, right. Give it to me!

Before Both Siblings: M---O---M!

After Sibling 1: Angelina, I'm bored. You wanna play Guitar Hero for a while?

After Sibling 2: Alright, but only if we can play Just Dance afterwards, though.

After Sibling 1: Seriously?

After Sibling 2: Yeah, seriously.

After Sibling 1: Whatever, but you're not allowed to tell anyone.

After Sibling 2: Fine.

After Sibling 1: Okay, come on.


Before Wife: I'm going out with the girls tonight.

Before Husband: I'm heading over to Murphy's for a drink, anyway.

After Wife: Hand me that pillow.

After Husband: Here. Toss me the remote. What do you wanna watch?

After Wife: True Blood?

After Husband: Okay. Hit the lights. Come here.


We're all in this together. 

Grab your loved ones and hold them dear to you. 

Count your blessings and never forget who (not what) is important. 

In the hussle and bussle of ordinary life, we can often lose sight of what matters. 

Here is your opportunity to sit up and look around. To appreciate all that you have, and to know just how lucky you are. 

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