Turner + Bucket = Chaos

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"Get it off!" Turner yelled as he tried, unsuccessfully, to get the metal bucket that was stuck on his head off.

"Just hold still!" Shade growled at the Master of Speed, placing his fingers underneath the bucket to try to pry it off.

Shade, Neuro, Karlof, and Skylor seemed to be the only ones who were at least trying to help Turner get the bucket off his head.  The other Masters were too busy laughing their asses off at Turner's stupidity.

 They had been trying for almost an hour now to help Turner.

Even though the situation was entirely the Speed Master's fault.

~~~~~~~~ one hour earlier ~~~~~~~~~~~

The Elemental Masters had all agreed to go to the community center for some bonding time.  It was hard to keep in touch with each other, since each Master had only given contact info to maybe a couple others.  So, if you wanted to contact a certain Master, odds are you'd have to go through at least one other Master to reach them.

They at least managed to get a message out to everyone about the "meeting" so they could better contact each other in times of crisis.  The meeting was solely for providing information on each Masters' whereabouts, but they had use of the center for the whole day and the exchanging of info maybe lasted two hours.  They all agreed to at least get their money's worth for renting out the center, so they would spend the day there.

It took maybe 20 minutes before shenanigans ensued.

The shenanigans started with Tox, when she threw a plate of crackers at Skylor.  Well, Skylor ducked and the plate hit Ash.  Not wanting to be outdone, Ash created a smokescreen and dared Turner to run to the other end of the building.  Turner crashed into Neuro.  Neuro used his telekinesis to launch Turner into Gravis.  Gravis levitated a table to block the flying Speed Master.  Chamille was on said table, which sent her to the floor.  Jacob tripped over Chamille.  Karlof, Paleman, Bolobo, and Shade where the only ones to escape the chaos.

Upon seeing that those four escaped, Turner went into the supply closet and got a metal bucket, a few metal sheets, and gloves.  He placed the metal sheets on his chest, back, and legs.  He then put said bucket on his head and proceeded to challenge Karlof to a duel, to see who was the better Master of Metal.

Needless to say, Karlof didn't want to deal with Turner's shit and had promptly bonked the metal bucket that was on Turner's head with his metal glove.  The bucket was then forced over Turner's whole head.

And it got stuck.


"One, two, three!" Shade growled as he and Neuro tried, again, to get the bucket off.

Neuro had come up with the idea of using oil or butter to see if it would cause the bucket to loosen, but it didn't seem to be working.

"How hard did you hit him, Karlof?" Neuro asked the Master of Metal.  Karlof shrugged.

"Karlof only tapped Speed Master on head," Karlof replied, "nothing else."

Neuro sighed, then perked up a moment later.  "Hey, maybe we could call Kai to get him to remove the bucket."

Everyone looked at him. "I don't think Kai would be able to pull it off," Tox muttered drily.  Neuro groaned.

"He wouldn't pull it off.  He could probably use his powers to expand the bucket a bit.  You know, heat causes metal to bend and warp.  He could warp the bucket enough to get it off Turner's head," Neuro explained.

"But he might burn me!" Turner yelled from inside the bucket.

"Then maybe you shouldn't of put the bucket on in the first place," Skylor snapped.

"We could always call the Fire Department," Ash suggested.  Turner blached.

"No, I'd rather only one other person see this, not a group.  I still have my pride."

"What pride?" Neuro asked.

 "I'll call him, see if he can come over," Skylor said.

She drifted towards the door and disappeared outside.  Everyone watched the door expectantly until she came back, grinning.

"Well, Turner, you're in luck.  Kai was looking for an excuse to get out of training and you being in 'trouble' was the perfect excuse.  He'll be here in about five minutes," Skylor said.  Everyone sighed in relief.

"Good.  We don't have to listen to him complain anymore," Tox sighed, which earned a sharp "Hey!" from Turner.

Five minutes later, Kai arrived.  He took one look at Turner and started laughing.

"Holy shit!  I thought you were kidding, Sky!" he gasped between laughs.

"It's not funny!" Turner cried.

"It kind of is!" Gravis shot back.

"You were the idiot who did it, so it's your fault," Shade chuckled.

"Hmph!" Turner said, crossing his arms.

Kai finally managed to regain his composure.  He walked over to Turner and put his hands on the edge of the bucket.  Channeling his powers, Kai began to heat up the bucket and started to bend the metal outward.

"Please don't burn me," Turner begged.

"Then don't distract me Buckethead," Kai snapped.

He continued bending the bucket and after a few tense moments, the bucket was then removed from Turner's head.

"YES!! FREEDOM!!" Turner screamed.  Laughing, he started running laps around the center.  The Masters only watched, nervously.

"Turner, be careful!  You might break something!" Neuro called.  Turner laughed.

"I'll be fine!  You're just a big worrier.  See? Nothing bad ha--oh shit!" Turner began cockily, only to scream as he lost his footing and crashed through the center's glass doors.

"Oops," Turner mumbled, lying in glass.  Everyone stared at him.

"We are so not getting our deposit back," Shade groaned.

"All here in favor of banning Turner from future Elemental Meetings, say 'I'," Neuro asked.

"I!" Everyone yelled.



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