Lloyd Joins the ER. Shade Almost Strangles Him

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Based off another roleplay with PurpleCherryUwU

Basically Part Two of the previous chapter.


Shade yawned and took a drink of coffee.  Some days, he hated his job and dealing with all the idiots that came in to the ER.

He was on his way to check on Pale.  He has been in the Recovery Area for almost four days now, he should be going home any time now.

Pale's mother, Eliza, would have Pale stay with her and his father until the doctors cleared him.  Pale would be on bedrest for awhile, due to his severe concussion.  Though he doubted Pale minded being stuck with his parents for a couple months.

Peeking his head into the room, Shade noticed that Pale was asleep.  He no longer had the oxygen mask, but now Pale was covered in stuffed animals.

It started when Turner bought Pale a giant, unicorn plushy.  Pale loved it, and it didn't take long before every other Master bought Pale at least one stuffed animal.  Even the Ninja brought Pale stuffed animals.

He could barely make out Pale's face.  But checking Pale's vitals, he was pleased to see Pale was doing fine.

Beep, beep, beep, Shade groaned.  His pager was going off, meaning he had to go to the Emergency Department to go treat some new idiot.  Sighing, he turned off the pager, left Pale's room, and made his way to the Emergency Department.

"Hello, Dr. Loveq." the receptionist greeted him.  Shade gave him a nod.

"Alright, what I miss?" Shade asked.  The receptionist pointed to room 4.

"The nurse already put him in room 4.  His friends are in the waiting room.  She had them wait there so it wasn't so crowded," he explained, "here is his files the nurse dropped off."

"Thanks," Shade told him and made his way to room 3.  Knocking on the wall, he entered the room.  Shade sighed in exasperation when he saw who it was.

"Lloyd," he said, "how did you get in here?"

"Oh! Hi, Shade! Wow, I thought Pale was kidding when he told me you worked in the ER!" Lloyd grinned brightly at him.

Shade noticed Lloyd was clutching his leg.

"Well, funny story," Lloyd began.  Shade rolled his eyes.

"Tell me in a bit.  Put the gown," Shade pointed to a piece of cloth on the bed, "on.  I'm going to grab the things I'll need to administer stitches."

Exiting the room, Shade went into the storage area to collect the equipment.  He couldn't believe his life right now.  First, his dad ends up in the ER.  Then, that same day, Pale comes in.  And now, four days later, the Chosen One lands himself in the ER.  At this rate, Shade was starting to believe that the Masters had gotten it into their heads that since Shade was a qualified healer, they can hurt themselves more often.

Shaking his head, he returned to the room.  Shade immediately had to fight back frustration.

"Lloyd, I thought I said to put the gown on," he said slowly.  Lloyd shifted awkwardly.

"I can't.  My leg is bleeding too much," he replied.  Shade put the stuff down and glared at him.

"And you didn't mention this earlier because?!" he snapped, forcing Lloyd to lay on his left side, so the cut faces up.

"I've had worse," Lloyd said.  Shade forced himself to breathe.

"I don't care.  if you're bleeding, you say something, got it?" Shade shot back.  He swiftly grabbed the scissors off the table and began to cut off Lloyd's pant leg so he can treat the injury.

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