Chapter one

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Jennie POV

"Horrible place." I muttered, though it was really half a yell to be sure I'd be heard. I fanned myself, the sun making it too warm on the mountainside in all my decorative, winter finery. Next week we would switch to my Spring wardrobe, at which point I would be far too cold in the mornings and evenings until we moved into Summer.  "Well then go sit at camp." Kai told me, voice a bit harsh. We'd been here almost a week now, and he was losing patience with me. I bitterly thought that was a good thing, he could go ahead and take his lovely dark hair and light colored eyes and find himself some other woman of lesser quality.  "It's far too cold at camp." I told him tersely. "And there is nothing at all to distract me there. At least here I can see some different scenery."  "And get yourself killed. This is a hunting party, Jennie." Kai told me, as though I didn't know. 

I laughed at him. "Oh come now Kai, you don't really expect to find any monsters from Hell do you?" My voice was all sweet condescension and I laughed again. He jerked his pony's reins and rode angrily to put some distance between us.  "Jennie, Jen, be kind to your future husband. Please." My father pleaded with me, coming up beside me from behind.  I made a lady-like, high pitched grunt of refusal. "I'll be nice to him when he deserves it."  My father let out an exasperated sigh. "I've seen other young women, and they're none as painfully ill mannered as you are. If your mother were here ..." 

I turned my pony sharply away from him. I hated it when he brought her up, as though it were my fault she'd died when I was young and hadn't been around to help control me. "I'm going back to camp." I informed him sharply, having to yell as our ponies continued in opposite directions.  I steamed as I rode on. I was always angry about something, the clothing I had to wear and how impractical it was, the fashionable clothing I didn't have because my own were 'beautiful' and didn't I hate anything I was bought anyway? I was angry about how I was treated whenever we went anywhere, even though my clothing was impractical for hunting, and I would have screamed to see something shot through anyway.

My own sphere of dances, tea gatherings, and garden views was too boring. Hunting and other male activities kept beyond my reach or dulled down whenever I was allowed to attend. And I didn't care to be reminded that if I were complaining during a dulled down hunt, I'd be a wreck during a real one.  I pulled my pony to a stop suddenly, realizing I had no idea where I was. I looked around, now angry at the mountain for whatever trick it'd played on me. Then I decided I did know where I was, I just needed to go over that way. I kept up this sort of denial for a while, deciding I knew where I was headed even when I didn't. When my bizarre path took me into a small valley with trees, I realized it was actually getting dark, evening. I found a small stream in the shallow valley and dismounted.

I allowed the pony to drink, finally feeling frightened on my own two legs in the middle of the mountains that were supposed to be the barrier between us humans and Hell. It was ridiculous to think there were monsters living in these mountains, wasn't it?  I found the emergency flasks and food they'd strapped to my pony. If there'd been anyone there to complain to, I would have. I didn't mind the dried meat and fruit really, but it was below me to be eating such nonsense when there were plenty of better things to be had. My pony also carried a knife and the supplies to build a fire, but I had no idea how to use them. For a while I refused to give it a shot, instead kicking at the ground in frustration and calling for the people I'd left somewhere far off. 

Finally I started trying to get a fire going, somewhat earnestly as the sun dropped and the temperature quickly followed suit. It took me a long time, but I got a very pitiful fire started. I wrapped the blanket on the pony around myself and hovered over the pathetic flame, trying desperately to get it going into something more sustaining.  I looked up to the sky and let out an exasperated sigh as the full moon peeked down at me from the star strewn heavens above. It was dark and dreary, but it would have been darker if the moon weren't so bright and full. I supposed that was one good thing amidst a crowd of boredom, tedium, and awfulness. 

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