Ch 2

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Jennie POV

My husband was dead. I'd cried when they first told me. How could HyunSuk be dead? He was a mountain given life. He'd never been kind, or loving, or tender, but he'd always been present, and he'd provided for my children and I for over ten years. What was I going to do without him? They'd left me to my tears, and I'd retired to my bedroom, laying at the foot of the bed where he'd made me lay for the last four years.

I cried, and cried, and cried and then I began to laugh. I'd laughed until I began to cry, but I'd also felt a surge of relief.He'd been a monster. He'd ruined me, and he'd hurt my babies . . . his babies, though they'd never felt like his. Just because his dick had planted the seed didn't mean they belonged to him. They were mine, and I'd protected them. I'd protected them as well as I could. Two had died in my womb, three had been lost to HyunSuk' abuse. I'd lost five out of twelve of them.

Perhaps I wasn't such a great mother at all.I remembered each of them he'd killed. Lilya, he'd broken her neck and tossed her aside for trying to sit on his lap. After that I'd moved the kids out of the house. He'd caught Keevo painting with dye's he'd made himself from berries, and he'd beat the boy unconscious. Kee had never woken up. Joss he'd killed when he pushed me down the stairs while I was carrying him when he was just a baby. Lilya, Keevo, and Joss. They'd never even really known life.

The other two little ones never even had names. HyunSuk burned their bodies in our fireplace before I even knew what gender they were. He'd been furious at me. The beating that had followed had left me unable to walk for a month.This had been my life. I'd forgotten I even had a sister, and then she'd come to me and told me that she was the Alpha, and that she'd arranged for me to be remarried. I was devastated. I didn't want another man in my life. I just wanted to raise my little ones in safety. Of course, I also knew that now I was at the bottom of the pack pecking order.

That would make my kids targets as well, but they were almost safer that way than they had been when HyunSuk still lived. Lisa. I still didn't know what to think of her. She seemed so kind, but my instincts told me women or men couldn't be kind. I'd certainly not seen kindness in them in a long time. My father had been kind, or at least I thought I remembered him being kind. Things before HyunSuk were fuzzy. In a single day Lisa had shown me more kindness than anyone had in ten years, and she'd treated the children so well. I'd been ready to give her my body in payment for her kindness.

If she'd taken me and hadn't hurt me I would have been glad to pay her in such a way, but she hadn't done that either. She'd said it would happen only if I really wanted it, but what did that mean? I'd never actually wanted a man nor women. I didn't want or like sex. It was something I did to make HyunSuk not take his frustrations out on the children. It was something I'd sometimes done because it was the only time I felt at all connected to my husband. I didn't love him, and I never even attempted to fool myself into thinking he cared about me, but when he was fucking me I was important to him. It made me feel like I had some worth.

That had stopped after Flint was born, just after he'd pushed me down the stairs and killed Flint's twin. After that I wasn't allowed in the bed anymore. He brought in other females, younger ones. I was old, ugly, not worth his time. That was easy enough to accept. I'd always been worthless, so this was just another example of that.Then I was, making guest beds up for my children. They weren't guest beds anymore. They were beds for the little ones, and this was what Lisa wanted.

She wanted my children to come inside, and she wanted to have meals with them, and to read to them. I was still caught between disbelief and a strange haze like I was living in some kind of dream. I put a pillow on the last bed in this room and walked next door to see how Lisa was doing. She's insisted on helping setup the rooms.I was in my werewolf form in the house, which was something that had never been allowed before, and I still felt nervous, afraid, like Lisa would turn around and berate me and then start hitting me.

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