Chapter Two

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Jennie POV

Her movements became faster, sharper, more insistent like they had before she'd cum inside me the last time. There was a low growl rising up in the creature's throat and I knew it wouldn't be long before she filled me with her seed once more. As she drew closer to her orgasm I watched as this large, red knot of flesh slipped out of her body at the base of her cock. It was twice as wide around as her length and each press of her body slammed it against my abused opening. 

Since she was close, I tried to hold back my own orgasm. I looked at her knot, recognizing it as very dog-like. I looked up and down her length, at her fur, her snout. I was being fucked by a wolf, a dog. She was far more animal than human. For some reason these thoughts couldn't quite dissuade my body from taking pleasure in her, even if it was also painful. I groaned and gripped the arm pinning me down harder as my body bucked up and my legs wrapped around her thighs as though trying to keep her body close to mine, within mine. I came around her cock, the rippling pleasure disturbingly more satisfying with her inside me. 

Her body responded to mine, and she roared, howling deep into the night as her body twitched inside of mine and her cum filled me up to the point where some of it poured out of me and down my ass. She panted as her hips jerked against mine, that knot pushing hard into me. She seemed to be trying to lock it into me, but I was just too small. After a few more frustrated thrusts she gave up and pulled out of me. She immediately slid between my legs and licked up the excess mess again, her flat tongue cleaning the folds of my flesh.  I didn't protest the cleaning, just lay back gasping for air. My body twitched beneath her tongue, and it tightened briefly in a much less intense orgasm or aftershock from the one I'd had with her inside me.

Then my breathing started to come under control and I loosened my grip on the dirt. I felt exhausted and adrift. I wanted closeness, to be held. I wanted to cry, and throw a fit for everything I'd just lost. I shivered. I wanted clothing back on. I glanced morosely at the tattered shreds of what I'd been wearing, and then just stayed looking off at nothing as the monster finished cleaning me. I wondered if she'd want to take me a third time. I had no desire for it this time, but couldn't imagine caring enough to fight her either.  She finished cleaning me and she walked over me on all fours, moving in a surprisingly agile fashion like that.

She reached down and grabbed me, lifting me easily into her arms as she took to her back legs. Then she began to walk, seemingly with some kind of destination in mind. I considered fighting with her, but instead just curled into her. She was warm and soft, and I was tired. I reminded myself that, given the stories I'd heard, she might kill me wherever she was taking me to. I sighed heavily at the thought, I felt like I had an obligation to fight for my life that I was just ignoring, but the throbbing pain in me was nothing life threatening or terrifying, so it simply wasn't motivating enough compared to the soft warmth of her fur.  "Just so you know, this doesn't mean I like you." I mumbled at her, though I doubted she understood me. I wondered if I were going to become something like a pet for her, humans kept pets, and now I'd be some sort of pet to an animal. I snorted, amused by the thought as long as I didn't think too hard on the details. 

"Mine now." Her voice growled, though it was shocking enough that she had a voice with which she could make human speech at all, let alone that it would be speech I could recognize, yet again so very womanly.  "Yes, well, I suppose no one else would have me after that." I snapped, tears stinging my eyes at the truth of it. Something about her speaking angered me. I guess I thought if she had enough of a mind to speak she should have known better than to ruin me. I huffed and nuzzled my wet cheek against her. I was too much a mess and too tired to stay very angry in the moment. I just wanted, needed to feel close to someone. Or something, as the case was I supposed.

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