Ch 10~Final Chapter

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Jennie POV

I finally realized what I wanted to do with the pack. I wanted to be the pack's new midwife. Helping to deliver Haewon and Haesoo had reminded me just how much I enjoyed being a part of the process, and helping mothers get through a rough time. It was something I was good at, and it was something that I had enough experience with that I could handle it calmly and confidently.

I didn't exactly know how to go about taking that position, but I knew it's what I wanted to do. Right now there was no one to help with births. I still had a good deal I needed to learn, but I was willing to put in the effort.  It had been about five days since my new nieces had been born, and I'd been making a point to visit them every day. It was so cute to see Haewon with her arms wrapped around Haesoo as they cuddled together. They were developing quickly, as kin children tended to do.

Within a month they'd both be on their feet and running around haphazardly, which was hard to imagine now. It would take about 5 years before they could spend much time without direct supervision though. Kin were fast to their feet, but slower to full maturity. I guessed it probably had something to do with the nomadic way Kin had lived for years and years.  I walked out to the porch and sat down on a bench to watch Syndil and Etris play with a set of wooden blocks together.

Syndil wanted to build and Etris wanted to knock everything down, which was resulting in a less than ideal game so far, but Syndil was particularly patient and she wasn't getting upset at her brother, even though he kept toppling her creations. I knew Lisa would be home soon. She was out hunting with Jisoo again. The hunting parties had been split into two sets. There was now an overnight party, and a daytime party, but the result was that the village was never left completely undefended. It meant that some of the kin had to keep nocturnal sleeping patterns, but it was the best we could do to make sure we were safe. 

Lisa arrived with Tivald on her back. Tivald had been playing with friends. Being eight, I could let him find his own entertainment to some degree. "Deer today." Lisa announced, her portion from the kills in a large sack in one hand as her other looped under Tivald's leg. She set the sack down to get Tivald off her, and Tivald joined Syndil and Etris. He probably wouldn't stay long, he didn't quite have Syndil's patience for his younger brother.

Flint instantly attached himself to Lisa's leg as he came running from the house. She'd been sleeping on the couch. The boy was very attached to Lisa, when he grew up he probably wouldn't remember HyunSuk at all, only Lisa. He also didn't have any siblings his age, which was unusual for the kin and usually resulted in some emotional confusion for them. 

I took the sack as she approached and carried it into the house to store in our cold-locker until we were ready to use it. Once the meat was secured I came back out onto the porch since we had some time until supper was ready. Flint was wrapped around Lisa's leg still, following her closely like a shadow.  "How was the hunting today?" I asked, but as the last word slipped from my mouth a man, one of the guards from the jail came running up.

"Lisa, you need to get down to the jail. Your brother is going crazy. He's slamming on the walls and throwing things. We're afraid he's going to hurt himself. He's demanding to see you or your sister, but we didn't want to disturb Rosie since she's got the new little ones." Chan said, looking apologetic.  Lisa gathered Flint up in her arms from the ground and sighed, looking tired and sad. "Bambam is far more like the kin than he realizes." Lisa mumbled to Flint, then she smiled at the boy. "I have to go Flint, I'm sorry bud, but I'll be back shortly." Flint instantly began to protest and cling. 

I popped my head in the house. "Holly!" I called, and a moment later she came running out.  "Yes, mom?" She asked, tail wagging.  "Can you look after Flint while we go take care of some important business." I asked her, sorry to have to leave her with the responsibility, but knowing that she got along better with her little brother than her other siblings did.  She nodded, and reached up to take Flint. "Come on, Flint! Let's go play in the hay out back!" She said excitedly.

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