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Jennie POV

I'd been submissive for so long that life with Lisa sometimes challenged me. I had actual decisions to make about things, and sometimes I'd get stuck on simple seeming problems. The monthly order sheet from the storehouse came around, and I needed to put down what was needed to maintain the house.

I knew some of it, but other parts mystified me. How much mead did a household need for a month? How much wood for fires should I ask for? These were small things that I would have known how to do if HyunSuk had ever let me do things. I'd gone to get a new dress to replace my one tattered one that I wore while in hybrid form, and Moonbyul had asked me what color I wanted. I'd cried. I didn't know what color I wanted, though maybe it hadn't all be about the dress.

Maybe part of it had been that this was the first time I'd come for supplies and spoken to Moonbyul and not Solar. She'd always been a friend, even if she'd been one I couldn't talk to often. My husband had hated her. He'd said she was a camp whore, and the only reason he kept her around was so that his boys could get their cocks wet whenever they needed it. It had made me sad for her, but then I'd talked to her and she'd laughed it all away.

She'd told me she did enjoy sex with many individuals, men and women, but that it was never for money, and never with anyone she didn't choose. She always seemed happy and positive. I returned to the house with a purple dress that I wasn't sure would look good on me and set about preparing a meal for everyone. I was tired of being weak. It was frustrating. Lisa was so strong, and I felt like just about anything could damage me. HyunSuk had done this to me.

I promised myself I'd talk to my brother and see if he could teach me to be stronger, or show me to someone who could make me stronger. I needed to be the kind of mate that Lili deserved. She was a powerful, bright woman, and she deserved a wife who could stand next to her, one who wouldn't cower in her shadow, which was all I was really good for. I finished prep for the meal and went to check on the kids who were ripping through the house like a tornado, destroying anything that got in their path. They were kids.

It was what they did, and I didn't hold it against them. Neither did Lisa. She only ever raised her voice if she had to yell over them to get heard, and she'd never lifted a hand to any of them. She had a way of sitting down with them and talking to them that made them understand she wanted to tell them something important, and they listened. I hoped none of them would grow up to be like HyunSuk, but sometimes Viyya could be downright mean. She had an angry streak wide enough to hold back an advancing army.

It was in her to contain that fire, but she didn't seem to want to yet. Children often had trouble with restraint. Thinking about her anger reminded me of Lili's warning from the Seer, about the two children that would cause us heartache. Was Viyya one of the? I didn't like to think any of my children would intentionally try to hurt me or Lili, but children had minds of their own, and they grew into adults with minds of their own.

Sometimes dark things happened. I tried not to worry too much about what might happen though. It didn't do any good to dwell upon possibilities. For all I knew it could be as of yet unborn children that caused the heartache. I spent some time playing with the kids, and then checked the time. I figured Lili would be home soon. She'd gone out hunting with Jisoo and she'd said they'd be back by dinner.

I didn't think she'd be late. It was the full moon tonight, and I doubted she or my sister would want to be too far away when the light started to go down. I heard Lisa arrive and hand up her bow and then take off her boots. Jisoo and her seemed to work well together, Jisoo would chase the animals, even hard ones for werewolves to catch, and line them up for Lili to shoot with her bow.

In that way, the two hunters could get a lot of game all on their own. Lisa had explained that to me. She liked to actually talk to me, explain things, discuss the way things happened. "Jennie?" She called ahead of herself as she came looking for me, her voice pleased,amused. I came down stairs, excited to see my wife. "Hey, Lisa. How did the hunting go?" She swept me up in a hug.

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