May 14 2016

19 2 2

I had been wandering aimlessly after I lost the girls. We had established - well I had - that my signal does not reach the inner depths of the Louvre. It wasn't horrible, I got some time to reflect over the beautiful artwork I was viewing. I noticed new pieces that I hadn't taken into account the first few times I had been in certain areas. Other areas opened the possibility of further reflection.

Most of the beauty translated back into my own experiences. In the war and despair I saw my own struggle. In the wisps of gentle strokes along a dress I saw the same material I wished to be cloaked in on my wedding day. On the faces of lovers, I saw myself. Before I could stop myself, I saw Michael as well.

In the drunken rages of men celebrating battles, I remembered the drunken rages of Michael and I. We would sit under the same stars, telling each other we wished our lives could be captured in one moment and what that moment might be. We admitted that the moment would contain the other. It wasn't an option to be left out.

As it neared three o'clock, the meeting time Ashton had assigned when we were in the lobby, I began to search for some sort of exit. I knew that it would take me at least a half hour to find my way out, but I set away time to marvel at the remaining works I found as well. I followed sign after sign, walking room to room until I had become completely lost.

Even with the aid of a flowing crowd and the signs that had been scattered in the least desirable positions, I became lost. My head poked around corners as I searched for another signal towards an exit. But instead, I found myself in the way of many angered tourists. How dare I be in their way?

"Excuse me," I mumbled once again as a stranger shuffled into my path.

Turning to meet the clutz, I found myself in a pair of familiar eyes. They were filled with the same surprise. Yet, I almost didn't seem to be surprised we found each other. We usually did.

"Anna," He breathed, taking a step back.

I nodded in response, letting a greeting flutter from my lips. "Hi,"

"I didn't know you were here." Michael curved his eyebrows together, as if the facial expression could explain meeting in the middle of the museum.

I shrugged, allowing a curl of a smile to play across my lips. "Yea, I'm usually lost inside the middle of the Louvre."

He chuckled lightly, trying to avoid the obvious. We were both pretending that everything was fine, like relatives that were pretending to be on good terms for the children after a brawl the year before. I took a step away.

His laughter turned to concern as he took a subconscious step forward. "You're lost?"

"Yea," I shrug again. "It's fine, I was just trying to find my way out."

He didn't try to pressure me, but was obviously attempting to get an excuse to stay with me. Maybe he genuinely was someone who wanted to aid others. "Can I try and help?"

I didn't respond, instead turning and leading us around another bend. We walked along a few different paths, attempting to find another sign. All we seemed to do was find our way deeper into the maze. Soon we were in an area that wasn't inhabited.

As I peered around, the only way out was the same way we had come in. I sighed, placing myself down on the bench in the center. Michael took a seat next to me.

We were silent a few minutes, gazing up at the gigantic picture of some battle. Michael sighed. I sighed in return.

"How have you been?" He swallowed.

I shrug. "I've been okay. Going place to place with Emma and Callie. It's alright."

He nods.

"How has your tour been?"

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