Chapter 1|Winry

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As I walk back to the house, I breathe in the fresh air. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining bright and there's not a cloud in the sky.

I smile a little, tightening my grip on my bag of produce. The market was full of customers today, all wanting the fresh grown vegetables for their dinner tonight. I was one of them, wanting something a little special today after staying up for 48 hours straight.

Granny says I should rest while I work on my automail, take breaks, but I get way too into it and I just can't stop until I finish.

It's summer. And it's been a good one. Last summer I just waited by the window, hoping a certain golden haired boy would just show up out of nowhere. He didn't. He never comes and he never calls us.

I'm starting to believe that he's never coming back, and why should he? He has his whole life out there for him, and he's searching. He's searching for an answer and I hope he gets some clarity from it.

At least Alphones calls us. He also sends us letters, just the other day he sent pictures of Xing. I'm happy for him.

This summer I vowed to move on. It's been 2 years Winry,  I told myself, you can't wait for him anymore... You have your own life.

So that's what I did. I moved on. I opened up an automail shop in Central, I go back and forth and have assistants.

Right now I'm staying with Granny to help get automail for citizens in Resembol. I'm helping people and I like to think Mom and Dad would be proud of me.

I have a life and I couldn't be happier.

The house comes into view and I smile a bit wider and walk a little faster. I have no idea what Granny and I will cook for dinner tonight, but I'm sure she can think of a dozen meals we can make with the vegetables I got.

Maybe a stew.

I've always liked stews.

When I get to the house I notice how the curtains are drawn close in the living room, I left them open to let in the sunlight. The door is no longer locked as well, it's not even shut fully. It's not open but it's not properly closed either.

I kick the door gently with my foot and walk inside, holding the vegetables closer to my chest.

What happened?

Did someone break in? Granny never leaves the door unlocked.

"Granny?" I call, taking a few more steps into the entry way and looking around me.

My coat hook isn't empty, there's a beat up brown one where mine should be. I set the bag on the ground by the shoes and inspect the mystery jacket.

It feels all gritty, dirt encrusted in some areas, damp in others. I pull my hands away in disgust, how could anyone wear that thing?! I bite my lip as I take my thin jacket off and set it on top of Granny's jacket, we have two hooks and I'm not sharing one with that filth.

"Granny?" I call again as I slip my shoes off, picking the bag of vegetables up again.

I walk towards the kitchen where I hear some movement. Was she starting supper without me? I told her to wait until I got back to start cooking, so we'd have fresh ingredients.

I poke my head into the kitchen, surveying the room just in case someone did break in. No one's in there... I step inside and shuffle over to the kitchen table. From where I'm standing whoever is sitting there can't see me, which is good because my heart is beating way too fast to be seen.

I hear a muffled conversation, who ever is there is trying to keep quiet. I can't understand any of it, at least not to where I'm 100% sure the word I heard was actually what they said.

I take a deep breath and walk to the kitchen counter and start to put the produce away. Maybe if I act like I'm not terrified I won't seen terrified.

"Oh good," someone says. That's Granny's voice, thank goodness she's alright! "Winry, you're here."

I turn towards her, spreading a large grin over my now relieved face but once I see who our guest is my smile wavers.


He's back.


I hope this was enjoyable... sorry that I disappeared but I hope restarting this fanfic will make up for it? Thanks to all who stuck with me... and to the ones who started reading just a few weeks ago. How were people still finding it? I love and appreciate you all!

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