Chapter 2|Ed

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"Ed..." Winry says softly, almost a whisper.

I stand up, to move towards her but she doesn't come towards me. This isn't exactly how I imagined we would reunite. I thought I'd come home, knock on the door, and Winry would run to hug me.

I think I'd rather have her throw something at me instead of just staring at me like she is right now. Like I'm a ghost.

"Hey, Winry," I give her a smile, holding my arms out wide for her.

She's supposed to come over, fall into my arms. We'd hug. But she stays put. I stand there for what feels like an eternity until she walks back to the kitchen counter and continues to put her groceries away.

My arms fall to my sides. "Winry?" I walk over to her, grab an onion from the bag. I hate onions, just looking at one makes me feel like I'm about to cry. "Need help?" I hold the onion in my hand, not knowing where she'd want the damn thing.

Instead of accepting my help, she takes it from me and puts it away herself.

I look to Granny for help, she merely shrugs. "What do I do?" I mouth to her, over exaggerating the words so she can understand better.

She shrugs again and walks off to another room. "Did you get carrots?" Granny shouts.

"Yes!" Winry replies and goes on with her job of putting away the produce. Ok, so she is capable of speaking.

"Hey," I start, "how about I make dinner...? I learned how to cook stew while I was gone! It's not that bad," I rub the back of my head with my hand. "Granted I do use a premade stew base, doubt you have that."

She brushes past me to get a knife. "I'm fine. You should rest. Such a long journey," I can see her eye roll.

"Yeah, maybe I will rest." I walk away, heading to the living room in order to give her the space she so clearly wants. This wasn't going how I planned at all, but I should just give Winry some time... I did just come back after two years of being gone...

I take a seat on the couch and look up at the ceiling. I have to admit, I really am exhausted. The train ride was so long and uncomfortable, it's nice to be somewhere that has soft pillows.

I close my eyes for what feels like a few seconds and next thing I know Winry is shaking my shoulders. "Get up!" she yells at me, shaking harder.

I sit up and rub my eyes, I wasn't trying to fall asleep but I guess I did. I can smell stew from here and I smile a little, it smells delicious.

"Dinner's ready," Winry stands back up and goes back to the kitchen.

I sit there and watch her leave. She looks like a whole new person but she's still the same Winry I've known my whole life. Her hair is cut to her shoulders now, she hasn't had short hair since we were kids. And she looks older, more mature, which is scary because she was already mature before.

And she was even prettier than she was two years ago.

I stand up and follow her, trying to shake my thoughts away. "Stew? Smells good," I say. I move to grab bowls from the cupboard but Winry is already setting the table. I sigh and sit down, I can't help at all I guess.

Younger me wouldn't have minded Winry being distant and not demanding I do some chores, but now I just feel useless doing absolutely nothing to help. And guilty. I feel very guilty for being without contact for so long... and for other things...

"Smells good, Winry," Granny says as she comes into the dinning room, taking her seat across from me.

Winry smiles at her and sets down a glass of milk in front of Granny's spot and hers. "Thanks, I think this might be my best stew yet!" She then sets a tall glass of milk in front of me.

I push it away, milk has always been gross and will always be gross.

Throughout dinner Winry continued to ignore me while I picked at the meal, suddenly losing my appetite.

"So, Ed," Granny begins, "how was your trip?"

Winry all of a sudden sets down her spoon, loudly that both Granny and I look at her. She wipes her mouth with her shirt sleeve as if we weren't even staring.

I clear my throat and think of what all I can and want to say. When nothing comes to mind all I answer with is, "It was... fun?"

"Should be fun if you were gone for so long," Winry murmurs quietly so I can barely make out the words.

It's silent for what feels like forever until Granny stands up. "Can you help Winry do the dishes, Ed? I have a leg to work on." She leaves without letting me answer but she knows I'm not the one who would protest over doing the dishes with Winry.

Winry... the girl sitting across the table from me acting like I do towards milk. Like I'm her least favorite thing.

A/N Sorry, sorry, sorry. So sorry. I'm not going to make any promises that I'll continue to update because I always break them but... I'll try?

I suffer from bad mental health and sometimes I get into things and I'm so pumped but then I just lose all my motivation and interest and that's what kept happening.

I don't watch anime really anymore like I used to, and I mostly focus on originally story ideas when writing... but seeing so many people care about my writing just... made me so happy? So, I'll try?

But I am eighteen now, I focus my attention on other things like art and my personal writing, so we'll see?

Votes and comments will definitely help motivate me so please help in anyway so I don't quit again lol 💖

No schedule but... how about once this chapter hits 5 votes I'll start writing the next chapter?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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