11/8 after date /Raven

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Warning, blood and violence, also very long.

Heyyyy there!!! So I'm back from the date any it was EXHILARATING. First, he picked me up and was dressed in a long black trench coat with his hair slicked back with gel, he took me to his house and we sat down and had a nice dinner there. He knows how to barbecue AMAZINGLY. He made a nice juicy steak with a sweet wine sauce on the side with a wedge salad and some corn on the cob, that was dripping with butter. He can cook like a professional chef. Oh, and did I mention that he has a dog? Well he does! A cute little German Shepard puppy that was rubbing up against me the whole time. I think he might have had a crush on me! Well, then. After that he brought me to a hidden room on the side of his house that was full of guns, and knives, and ropes. Bloody ones! Oh! doesn't that sound like so much fun! Well it was! Although it did kind of smell. I pointed that out to him and he said I'd get used to it. Then he asked me questions about a few of them like.

"Do you know how to properly hold a knife?" and if I didn't he would show me how to properly hold it, or how to properly stab something.

He asked me what type of weapon I wanted to use. But I couldn't resist asking.

"What are we using the weapons for though?"

"You'll see its a surprise!" he said with a evil smirk spreading across his face.

"I think I'll like this,"

"Choose a weapon, Birdie," he motioned his hand to the wall covered in knives, guns, rifles, machine guns, bow and arrows, ropes, and saws.

I stepped over to the wall cover in lethal weapons like it was a wall covered in candy. I took a second to look over it and was about to grab the pistol, but hesitated and reached for the knife with a smirk on my face.

"Nice choice," Shawn said with a hungry look in his eyes, "Now choose a weapon for me!"

I turned back to the wall and found a shiny bow that had been freshly polished with a full sack of arrows sitting next to it. I reached for it and tossed it to him. He caught it with a smirk on his face.

" This one has always been my favorite, come on lets go," he waved his hand over and walked out the door.

"Ok now your going to have to hide that knife some where, how'bout you put it in here," He handed me a leather jacket and I stuffed it into the pocket. I ran to catch up with him and laughed.

"What are we going to do," I rolled my eyes, "Murder someone?"

"How'd you know!"

I froze in my tracks for a second but ran to catch up with him laughing like it was nothing.

When we had gotten farther into the city he started looking around at all the people suspiciously. Just when I started getting tired he grabbed my arm. I felt a shot of electricity go through me. He was staring at a little girl, with sleek black hair, and glasses who was short and looked to be around the age of 12. We walked over to her and Shawn waved at her and motioned for him to follow him, but there was a terrifying look in his eyes, like he was hungry for something, but for what I didn't know.

The girl gave him a confused look and followed us down a dark alley where he stopped me to lean against a building hidden in the shadows. The girl walked right passed us and stopped while looking around. Shawn turned to me and whispered in my ear,

"Hold her down,"

His hot breath warmed my face as I shivered in the cold, rainy weather. I nodded and got ready to creep up on her when she turned around shivering with the most terrified look on her face.

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