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Rachel got up out of bed and stalked over to her closet and threw on her coat. When she sat back down on her bed she grabbed her phone and texted Shawn.

Hey there! Wanna meet up tonight?

What's up? Sure what time?

How about 6?

Sounds good!

Her heart pounded as she thought about what she had done. She still couldn't comprehend that she had killed someone. So she decided to see if it was actually a prank or not.

Hey is that girl Sienna still there? 😁

Raven! Don't talk about it through text, people can be whistle blowers!

Her heart stopped. He had conferred that they had actually done it, that it had actually happened. A tear slipped from her eyes and rolled down her porcelain face. Her head was fuzzy and she couldn't think. The word murderer repeating over and over in her head. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Keep it together Rachel, you cant break down now!" She whispered to herself.

She got up and trotted down the stairs after checking the clock.


That gave her an hour and a half to get everything together and drive to his house.

When she got down stairs Anya was sitting at the counter.

"Where do you think your going?"

"To clear up some unfinished business,"

I stalked over to the utensil drawer and pulled out her largest kitchen knife without Anya seeing.

"I've got to go now, I'll see you later,"

Rachel pulled Anya into a hug as year gathered in her eyes but she whipped them away and looked down at her feet.

"Hey are you ok? Your acting like this is the last time I'm going to see you?" Anya grabbed Rachel's hand. "Listen if there's anything I can do to help I will,"

Rachel shook her head, she wanted to ask for help but she knew that she couldn't, she had to do this alone, her heart hurt and felt as if she had just been stabbed, but then she remembered Lauren, and she felt the guilt filling her up.

"No, I'm sorry, but I have to do this alone, I love you ok, goodbye," she squeezed Anya's hand and walked off.

"I love you too, be safe, bye!" Anya yelled after her, but it was to late Rachel had already walked out the door.

When Rachel got into the car she opened her wallet an she had $500 left from her last paycheck. She put her wallet back in her purse, sighed and drove off. When she arrived in the bad part of town she didn't know what to expect. There was broken glass everywhere and the smell was horrible but she walked up to the shop and stepped in.

The man at the counter had a cigarette resting in her mouth, as smoke circled around his head.

"Hi there, do you have any hand guns?"

He turned around and Walked threw a door on the side of the building. After a few minutes of waiting he came back out with a handgun and a ammo box.

"Can I see some ID and your pistol permit,"

She nodded her head and pulled out her ID and the pistol permit her psychotic father had gotten for her when she turned 21 and was about to move out with Anya.

"Looks good. That'll be $340,"

She placed the money on the counter and grabbed the gun and ammo and stuffed it into her pocket and stalked out the door. She walked past the broken glass and drunks laying all over the ground and climbed back into the car and sped off. She looked at the clock again.

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