Preparing For The Better Or Worse

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(Harry's pov)   I woke up at 12:12 am to find Coco in bed with me. Normally Louis would sleep with me, but Coco still doesn't know I'm dating Louis. It's not that I'm not proud that Louis is my lover it's just that I don't want to scare her. However I also don't want her to lose trust in me, and think that I am hiding all of these things from her you know.

  I'm not really how or when I will do it, but hopefully soon. I thought to my self as I looked at her peaceful, sleeping figure. Her semi curly hair fell in front of face I used the pad of my thumb to lightly stroke it back. I rubbed her shoulder while softly saying the words, "Coco you got to wake up baby..." Her eyes fluttered open, "we have to get ready to go to the airport princess." I continued. She whined not wanting to leave the bed. "I wanna sleep." She complained. "I know I know, but guess what you can sleep all the way in the car and airplane okay?" "Okay.." She replied finally cooperating. She sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes. I then climbed off of the bed and picked her up.

  I walked to the bathroom and started running a nice warm bath for her. I took her clothes and diaper off and put her in the tub. Once I thought there was enough water in the tub for her, I took a cup and wet her hair. I then took some Suave Kid's Wild Watermelon Shampoo in the palm of my hand and gently massaged it into her caramel brown waves. After that, I leaned her head back with my fingers against her chin, as I rinsed the soap out of her hair. I went on to do the same with the Suave Kid's Wild Watermelon Conditioner.

  Once I was done with her hair, I used some toddler body wash that was scented lavender. To scrub her body with. Once I was all done I rinsed her off, and placed in her in a nice,fresh,warm towel. I proceeded to pick her up and carry her over to some outfits I had layed out the previous night before. There were three options an all white Champion hoodie, a lavender Nike sweater, and grey Adidas sweater. All of them were sweaters because airplanes can get really cold sometimes. And for pants I have black leggings. I know she wore leggings yesterday, but i want her to be as comfortable as possible. "Which sweater do you like Coco?" I asked.

  "That one!" She exclaimed as she pointed to the all white champion hoodie. "Alright! How about we pair that with these white Nike Air-Forces that have blue butterflies on them?" I suggested. "Yea that would be cute!" She exclaims with a big smile across her face. "You're cute." I replied with while kissing her nose, making her flinch. I continued to get her all dressed and ready for the day. Once she was dressed I picked her up and walked her to Niall's room and asked him to watch her while I got dressed. "Yeah sure of course man!" "Thanks bro." I spoke as I handed Coco over to him.

(Coco's pov)   "What's up princess?" Niall said "I'm tired..." I complained. "I know I know." He soothed. "Your hair is still wet." He pointed out. Daddy forgot to style my hair! I thought. "Daddy forgot to do my hair!" I panicked. "It's alright I will brush it for you. We will be on a fourteen hour flight from here to Australia, so I'm not really sure if you would want pigtails." "Okayy."I say finally giving in. "Do you want to lay down on the couch and watch cartoons?" He asked me sweetly. "Yea." He then walked me over to the couch ,and I sat down relaxing my head on the arm rest. Niall went on to grab the remote off of one of the beds and turned on the television to a kids network.

  "I'm going to grab the hairbrush real quick okay?" Spoke Niall. "Mkay." I responded. Niall was already dressed ,and I'm assuming  he took a shower due to the fact that is hair is wet. He then walked to the bathroom and walked back to the couch with the brush in his hand. He then sat down next to and started to brush my hair back smoothly. Once he was done, he kissed the top of my head and said, "You're a good kid Coco." as he smiled sweetly at me. I smiled back at him, while I then turned my attention back towards the television where Super Why was now playing.

  At the same time, there was a knock coming from the door. "I'll be right back love." Niall says. He walked towards the door and peered through the peep hole. He opened the door widely and said "Hey Payno." cheerfully. "Hey man when you're done getting ready me, Louis, Harry, and Coco are heading downstairs to eat breakfast for our reservation." To what sound sounded like Liam speaking. "Well I'm dressed and ready to go, as well as Coco I believe. Harry left her for me to watch, so he could get ready." Said Niall. "Oh okay."  Liam responded with.

(Harry's pov)   Liam had knocked on my room door saying that him and the boys are going to get breakfast downstairs. I was already pretty much ready I just had to do my hair. I styled it like I normally do and headed downstairs knowing Niall had Coco. I walked into to the diner type area and saw Coco, Liam, Niall, and Louis at a table. Louis was making Coco laugh by playing peek-a-boo with her.  I sat down at the empty seat next to Louis. Niall and Liam were sat across from Louis and I, while Coco sat at the edge of the table, given that she was in a highchair.

I know it seems weird to go to a diner at 12 something in the morning, but management had this reserved ,so we could all eat before we got to the airport. *45 minutes later* All of our bags were packed the previous night before, therefore we wouldn't need to rush and pack all of our belongings. Coco wasn't as tired as she was earlier this morning, so I highly doubt she will sleep on the flight or in the car if I'm being honest with you. We paid the bill and went to the van to drive to the airport. Management had put our bags in the trunk already so that was a pleasant surprise I suppose. We drove to the airport which was about an hour long drive or so.

Long story short, the car ride consisted of Me,Liam, and Louis talking and playing with Coco(whom never slept for a split second might I add). Then of course there was Niall complaining about his hunger every five goddamn seconds. Like we just ate not even 45 minutes ago! How could you possibly still be hungry! Is that even humanly possible! Then I realized that it is the Niall James Horan we are talking about. What the hell else do I expect from his to be honest. Soon enough, we arrived at the airport to where what we though was only a nightmare sent from down below turned into a reality.........

A/N(ayeee wassup guys!!! so sorry to leave you on  a cliff hanger but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do i guess hahaha! btw the title is that bc touring with a child can go one or two ways anywho be yourself, dont change for other, and do what you want to do xoxo-cierra)

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