One Eventful Day

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( Liam's pov) We arrive at the baby clothing shop, but of course there are LOADS of fans to get through first. "LIAM CAN I GET A PICTURE WITH YOUU?" "LIAM IS THAT YOUR DAUGHTER?" "LIAM I LOVE YOU!" "LIAM FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER!" Questions and shouts are coming in a dozen at a time. Paparazzi obviously doesn't care or know anything about us, so evidently they end up yelling or asking things the stupid locals would already know at this point such as, "Liam what band are you in?" or my favorite "Liam what is the name of your band One Direction?"

I hold Coco tightly as security pushes the two of us through the crowd. One fan even had the audacity to even pull Coco's arm, which she didn't like at all. One security guard tries to unlatch the teenage girl's hand from Coco as I am trying to soothe the toddler, however the fan will not let go. Another security guard comes out of the car and is forced to yank the girl's hand out of Coco's arm, due to her such tight grasp. Once we get out of that scenario, we were now able to get inside the shop.

"Hello there!" a lovely woman greeted us. "Hello." I replied back politely. "Looking for anything particular today?" She asked. "No not necessarily." "Ok then let me know if you have any questions!" "Certainly thank you!"

The first section we went to was full of strollers in every color, size,shape,and pattern. "Which stroller do you want Coco?" I asked using my baby voice. She just shrugged leaving me to decide for myself "Wow such a good helper aren't you." I said in my monotone voice playfully. She laughed and layed her head on my shoulder. I then realized that my phone started to ring. The caller i.d read Harry, so i presumed to answer the call. *L= Liam H= Harry*

L- Hello?

H- Hey mate me and Louis are coming back from our interview now

L- Oh alright me and Coco are out shopping and I'm not really sure what to get

H- Where is the shop at me and Louis will come over there to help you out

L- oh really? thanks man the address is 108593 West Sunshine Lane

H- ok thanks we are way!

L- However I must worn you there is a HUGE amount of fans out there

H- bro there is a HUGE amount of fans where ever we go this isn't new

L- i know i know just though i'd worn you thats all

H- alrighty thanks mate got to go

L- ok see you soon Harold

*end of call*

"Liam.." I heard a little voice whine. I looked down to notice it was only Coco. "Yes love?" I replied. "Why are there people screaming and banging on the door?" She asked as she pointed to the fans only to make them scream louder. I wasn't really sure if it was my place to be telling her that me and the three other guys she met the other night are huge celebrities and are all in popular boy band called One Direction, so I panicked and said, "Because you're beautiful." She smiled then said, "Liam," "Yes Coco?" "Wheres Niall?" I completely forgot about Niall at this point if I'm being honest. "You know what Coco I'm not really sure should we call him?" "Yeah." She said. *N= Niall L= Liam*

N- Hello?

L- Hey Niall just checking up on you haven't heard from you all day

N- Oh I'm just fine lad I just got a call from the studio saying that they needed some more vocals from me so I've been stuck here for the most of the day I should be back soon though

L- Oh okay to be honest I completely forgot about you so sorry about that I didn't realized that I haven't seen you around lately until Coco asked me where you were

N- aw that's sweet tell Coco I said hi and I'll see her soon anyways where have you been all day I know Harry and Louis went to an interview

L- oh well I introduced Coco to Paul so now all of the management and rest of security know about her existence hahaha

N- *chuckle*

L- and now we are at a shop trying to find this girlie some clothes and all of that jazz

N- alright sounds like you two are having a blast I'll leave you guys too it and will see you back at the hotel.

L- sounds good bro talk to you soon bye Nialler!

N- bye Payno see you and Coco soon!

*end of call*

As soon as I hung up with Niall I heard footsteps and the shop's door closing. "Hi welcome in!" The lady greeted. "Hi!" Louis and Harry spoke in unison. "Hi Coco!" Harry said in his baby voice. "Daddy!" Coco exclaimed as she saw her father. He held out his arms to take her out of my grasp. "I missed you.." She whined. "I missed you more babe." He cooed as he rubbed her back.

(Harry's pov) I'm actually genuinely surprised that Coco is this comfortable around me already. I kissed her cheek as Louis said, "What about this stroller Haz?" pointing to a peach colored stroller made for toddlers around Coco's age. "Well I like it." I say, "What do you think Coco?" I ask. She then nods her head while sucking on her thumb in agreement. "Ok then that stroller it is." Liam says as he puts the box in a cart.

"How about this, if we all split up to get different things it will make this process go faster." Liam suggests. "I will get pacifiers, sippy cups,  snack containers, and that type of stuff. While you and Louis get some clothes for Coco." "Sounds like a plan." Louis replies. Coco now reaches out for Louis to hold her as she proceeds to get bored of my grasp. Louis picks her up and she lays her head on his shoulder seeming to get tired.

Me and Louis walk over to the toddler clothing section together and we spot some really cute outfits. Louis grabs a few jackets with different colors on each of them. I grab some black skinny jeans, sweat pants, and leggings. I then find pajamas with different colors, patterns, and animals on them. I find one that has a pink owl on it and try to show Coco. "Look Coco it's an owl can you say ow-." I was cut off to realizing that she had fallen asleep on Louis shoulder. I stroked the hair out of her face and kissed her forehead and Louis' cheek since the fans couldn't see us. "I love you Coco. I love you Lou." "I wuv you dada." I hear a murmuring little voice say, whom was Coco who was now only half asleep. "Did you hear that?" Louis softly asks as he grins. I smile and nod my head.

We then find a bunch more shirts and a couple pairs of shoes, and by couple I mean basically a million. Liam proceeds to walk over to us with a shopping cart FULL of items. "Hey lads I think we have everything we need. Oh by the way I also picked up some toys, a blanket, pull ups, and a carseat. Since we didn't have those yet." Liam says as he looks at her sleeping figure on Louis. "She's too cute." Louis says softly. We then go on to check out all of our items,(no not sexually lol) get in the van, and head back to our hotel.

A/N(ayee whats up ya'll hope you guys enjoy this update of dear Coco sorry it took me a while to get this out btw I just dont like to rush these things because i want it to be the best i can make it to be for you guys  sorry i couldnt find a good pic of harry and coco so enjoy this larry pic  anyways thank you guys so much for reading dear coco, be who want to be, be yourself and dont change for others you are worth it! xoxo- cierra) 

                                                                         1350 words

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