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3rd POV
Another breeze went by, slashing at Y/N again and causing blackened blood to fly out. He roared out in pain as yet another gust of wind came by and slashed off his hand, causing him to fall to the ground.
Priestess: her grace protects me.
Y/N looked at his wound cauterizing with ease and within some seconds a new hand was forming.
Priestess: my deity grant me strength.
Y/N smirked as his new arm completely formed, then letting out a massive roar. Y/N ran to the Priestess who ducked beneath the punch and somehow curved over to land on Y/N's hand. She ran up the arm and then quickly kicked Y/N in the face, stunning him for a quick second, though he recovered and grabbed her leg.
He held her upside down before letting out a massive roar and swinging her down, cracking her against the ground and making her scream out in pain. She was then dragged across the ground and brought back up, then slammed into the ground again. Her scream was full of agony as bones were heard cracking. She was then tossed back up and caught in mid air before getting punted by Y/N's tail and sent colliding into a rock.
She sat back and breathed heavily as
Y/N looked at her and let out a massive bellowing roar.
Ruby: did
The Priestess was on the ground wounded as Y/N went to her to finish the job, however he heard the sound of whistling behind him, causing him to turn around, only to get hit in the chest by a rocket. Everyone in the bullhead, along with the Priestess looked to see where the rocket came from, from the forest a bunch of shirtless men covered with scars, all with a cross burnt into the center of their torso. Along cake women as well, all wearing rags for a top and had a cross burnt in the center of their stomachs.
Some of the men carried rocket launchers while others carried crosses, the woman carried bows and some of the others carried crosses as well. One of the women threw a cross at Y/N, the moment it hit, it caused steam to fly off the body and made him roar out in pain.
Woman: the Evil lays within that beast!
Y/N shook his head before letting out another roar as another rocket came by and cracked him in the chest again.
Priestess: Children of Our Grace! We must not kill....The Goddess demands this boy to be the giver...for the future! For the savior to be brought into this world!
Y/N came through the smoke.
Priestess: with her kind and power and this one's darkness, a yin and yang of a child will be brought to this world! May we fight for you!
Cultists: and May you guide us!
Y/N roared as he went to charge at the Priestess, only for all of the cultists to hold up their crosses. Y/N began to back away in pain, covering his face as the crosses began to burn his skin as they were all aimed towards him.
Priestess: enough! We can not damage him too much....we head back to the Father! He will help bring her word!
Within seconds all of the cultists disappeared, the Bullhead then landing and Pyrrha running out. She looked to see Y/N transforming back and giving to his side, his arm covered in burn wounds. Grace went over to the first location and grabbed his scroll that was on the ground, seeing that it still recorded.
Grace: maybe this will help.

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