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3rd POV
The Priestess returned to the temple where a Priest stood.
Priest: hello my daughter. It seems he wasn't able to come?
Priestess: he put up a massive fight, the goddess may even have problems when it comes down to a fight.
Priest: he won't fight her, he will accept her grace, besides, his evil heart won't allow him to fight back, for he is born of sin, his semblance, brought into him by sin. She is pure, she will make sure a seed for the world will be perfect! To save Remnant....for all to follow in her footsteps.


Y/N woke up in the hospital bed, this time with hand cuffs on his arm.
Y/N: Pyrrha....did you do this?
Pyrrha: six animals lost their lives yesterday.
Y/N: no, five did. A deer did lose his boys though.
Pyrrha: oh god.
Y/N: his screams were damn near heartbreaking.
Pyrrha: oh stop it.
Y/N: it was like an exasperated breath and then just full on screaming.
Pyrrha: Y/N!
Y/N: that's my name. Have a smoke?
Pyrrha: no.
Y/N: you atleast know when I'm leaving?
Pyrrha: you have to give a urine test, and a sample of.....your boys.
Y/N: why?
Pyrrha: because had burns their and they want to make sure your "army" as you put it are alright.
Y/N: my balls and dick were burned!
Pyrrha: yep.
Y/N: get me an ice pack stat!
Pyrrha: it was the first thing to heal.
Y/N: it doesn't make me feel any better!
Pyrrha placed her hand on his shoulder.
Pyrrha: you'll be fine.
Y/N: I'll be fine with a pack of camels.
Pyrrha: can you atleast try the filtered cigarettes, or even the electric ones?
Y/N: no.
Pyrrha: I wish you would be a little healthier atleast.
Y/N: well you can shit in one hand and crap in the other, you tell me which one gets filled first Pyrrha.
The doctor came in with a beautiful nurse.
Doctor: we are here for the urine sample and a sample of your se-
Y/N: if you're nurse is gonna do it, take as much of a sample as you want.
The nurse smirked before walking over to the IV and squeezed the tube, stopping the fluid from going through.
Y/N: what does that d- OH SHIT!
Pyrrha: what's wrong Y/N?
Y/N: I'm sorry Nurse lady! Make the hurt stop!
The nurse let go of the tube and went back by the doctor.
Y/N: alright....hook me up with the Advil and get me a cup.....two of them.
Doctor: I need you to get into the bathroom. There are also magazines in there for you.
Y/N walked into the bathroom and stopped.
Y/N: hey Doc.
Doctor: what's up in there Mr. L/N?
Y/N: there's only old Playboy in you anything know.
Doctor: no Y/N, we don't.
Y/N: damn....alright this will do.
The sound of him pissing was first, quickly stopping.
Doctor: can you try a little more.
Y/N: will you give me five minutes!

Meanwhile in the Waiting Room

Grace: so do you cope with shooting an animal in the balls?
Ren and Nora both slowly turned to look at her.
Nora: what?
Ren: you did what to an animal?
Grace: never mind.....

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