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3rd POV
Y/N remained on the ground, he had his hand over his wound and breathed, every breath however was nothing but pain. He heard footsteps coming closer to him, he grabbed a rock and was ready to fight with whatever dying breath he had left, it was Ozpin.
Ozpin: Y/ god man what happened to you?
Y/N: Professor Ozpin? Where the hell were you?
Ozpin: I just came back, no one called or anything. What happened? Where is everyone?
Y/N: Beacon was attacked....I was shot, there's poison in my system....doesn't allow the aura to heal. They wanted Pyrrha....why they grabbed the others I don't know.
Ozpin: come on, let me help you up.
Ozpin helped Y/N to his feet, blood still coming from the opening in his body.
Y/N: I'm sorry Professor Ozpin.....
Ozpin: there's nothing to be sorry about, you did your best.
They went into Ozpin's office, Ozpin grabbed a syringe from under his desk and stabbed Y/N in the vein.
Y/N: the hell is that?
Ozpin: you wouldn't believe how many students get injected by wasp venom. I've seen this too many times, they come screaming "Professor Ozpin, the nurse said some see you, we were attacked by a wasp", little sweet loving bastards.
Y/N: how did you know?
Ozpin: kids lose their auras to these things all the time, when they screw around with a nest, that's why I'm always prepared.
Y/N's aura quickly kicked back in and healed him, the hole in his chest completely closed.
Y/N: Damn Professor Ozpin to the rescue.
Ozpin: that's not all....we need to go help those students, are you ready to fight and get back all of them?
Y/N: ohohoho I was born ready. Let's go get these son of a bitches.
Ozpin: we just need to figure out what to do, and where they are.
Y/N: maybe we can check the news? Perhaps they stole something.
Ozpin: smart idea.
Y/N pulled out his scroll, the first thing that popped up was "cruise liner stolen along with fishing boat"
Y/N: found out where they are.
Ozpin: how do we get there then?
Y/N sighed.
Y/N: that one I have handled.
Ozpin: you sighed, what's bad about it.
Y/N: the guy I'll want to shoot yourself by the time you're done talking to him.
Ozpin: can he help us? Does he have a boat we can use?
Y/N: he has a cannon.
Ozpin: excuse me?


Y/N and Ozpin walked into a dark room and sat down, a man walked out, two different color eyes and he was incredibly skinny, like he hasn't eaten a day in his life kind of skinny.
Steve: Y/'s been ages.
Y/N: Steve.....I need your help.
Steve: you do?
Y/N: I need your....cannon.
Steve: you do?
Y/N: yes I are you up for it.
They both just stared at eachother.
Steve: Y/N it's been ages.
Y/N: when this is done, I need you to take your lip, put it over your head and swallow.
Steve: ok!
Ozpin: this is the guy? How did you even find him.
Y/N: would you believe that Pyrrha used to date him?
Ozpin looked at Y/N in disbelief.
Y/N: yeah I was shocked too, but he thinks I'm his best friend.....isn't that right Steve?
Steve: you're my best friend Y/N, it's been ages.
Y/N: he's good with a cannon though, even he knows how good he is.
Steve: I do.
Y/N: you are not helping.

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