Y/N's Fight

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3rd POV
Pyrrha began to go pale, her aura not yet working as the Priest set up the altar.
Priest: you will...be given an opportunity very few will ever have.
Pyrrha: s-s-screw off.
Priest: the venom will leave your body when she comes....these people....will be a sacrifice! They will provide her some power within your pitiful human body.
Pyrrha: you....are going....to Hell....and you will go alone.
Priest: if you truly believe that....you are lost...only for now though....my children, prepare her at the altar.
Two men grabbed her and moved her along, she was stumbling across the ground, the poison from the wasp venom effecting her every movement, she started to sweat and began to speak to herself.


Steve, Y/N and Ozpin walked over to the cannon, looked out and saw the cruise liner in the distance.
Y/N: lower the cannon Steve, I'm going in.
Ozpin: Y/N. You do realize that what you're doing is incredibly dangerous?
Y/N: Pyrrha's on that boat Professor Ozpin, I'm not going to lose her, she's the only family I'm willing to open up to. I'm in....STEVE!
Steve poked his head up.
Y/N: light it.
Y/N reached into his pocket, pulled out a camel and lit it as Steve lit the cannon.
Y/N: go time baby.
The cannon then fired, Y/N flying through the air happened immediately after, his face was filled with determination as the cruise liner was getting closer and closer to him. Y/N landed short of the cruise liner however, helping him out even more so.
Cultist: what was that splashing sound.
Yang: might be a fish, asshole.
Cultist: you have a problem you blonde whore?
Yang: blow me pal.
Y/N climbed the side of the boat, his eyes turning black as fur came from his body.
Cultist: the Goddess will enjoy your power to provide her the proper strength within the Vessel.
The sound of a high pitched roar was heard behind the cultist, he quickly turned around to have his head grabbed.

(All credit goes to artist)Cultist: what the hell?!Y/N looked him in the eyes and slammed his head into a metal pole on the cruise ship, knocking him out

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(All credit goes to artist)
Cultist: what the hell?!
Y/N looked him in the eyes and slammed his head into a metal pole on the cruise ship, knocking him out. Y/N then turned back to normal and cracked some of his bones, followed by Ozpin pulling himself onto the boat.
Ozpin: alright, the cannon was fun.
Y/N began to untie the few students that were there.
Y/N: where's Pyrrha?
Yang: The front of the ship, you have to hurry, the storm that's coming is what they are considering their Goddess coming.
Y/N: damn....go find the others, I'm going after that damn Priest.
Yang: be careful, the Priestess is with him.
Y/N: good to know....thanks.
Y/N ran down the side of the ship as Ozpin continued to untie the other students.
Ozpin: do you all have your strength?
They all nodded.
Ozpin: let us take control of this ship.
Y/N found a cultist and cracked him in the face before turning around and cracking the female cultist in the neck, putting them both down. He continued running to the front of the ship, his nails slowly becoming claws and his skin turning black as night. He made it to the front of the boat, seeing Pyrrha completely out of it, the poison is doing a lot of damage to her at the moment, she's pale and sweating. Her eyes were having trouble staying open as the Priestess let out a soft song.
Y/N: You!
The two both looked at Y/N, his skin still growing to a blackened color.
Priest: so....you lived....I can't say I'm surprised, the Goddess wanted you to live.
Y/N: you shot me! Almost putting this whole damn plan to shame.
Priestess: The Goddess saved you, have you no thanks?
Y/N: what saved me was an Academy headmaster who deals with a lot of wasp stings. Now we can make this easy, I don't like killing unless there's no other choice. You can either let of of Pyrrha and get her what she needs...or I will be forced to break you both.
Priest: you have nothing for us at the moment L/N, only your seed will be useful when the time comes. Men! Women! This sinner wants to stop our Goddess! Bring him down!
He turned around to see a bunch of the cultists sitting on the second story of the ship. They all jumped down and went to aim their crosses at Y/N, though having no effect.
Y/N: when I'm not transformed....your religion is useless against me.....hehehe.
One of the cultists ran up to Y/N, only for him to get cracked in the neck.


Ozpin ran into the main deck with the group of students, all forming an army to rise up against their captors.
Ozpin: Yang, how many more groups are there?
Yang: atleast four, I know where Ruby is.
Ozpin: go get your sister and bring some with you, Y/N will need our help, he is more than likely in over his head as we speak. Split into teams of five and go find the others.
All of the students nodded as they either untied others or ran in different directions to try and find more.

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