Cesar X Reader

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Requested by lucidherron

Hope you enjoy💓

Your Pov:

Today would mark one year. Our child is now one years old. It's been roughly a year and a half since you left us. Do you even know our child's name? Do you even love us? These are the questions I keep asking myself Cesar and eventually she might start asking where her daddy is, and if you even want her. Tell me Cesar do you even care that you hurt me..? I still have the promise ring you gave me on our 4 month anniversary.

I still remember the day you broke my heart it was a few weeks before i found out i was pregnant with Mars. I decided to name her that because that's the god of war. She was my strength while you left, not even letting me tell you that we have a child on the way. I remember the day I went to tell you.. You told me you didn't have time for us because you joined the Santos. The day I went into labor I remember wanting you there for the birth of our daughter but you were off somewhere with your brother,Oscar. Did you ever really love me?

I couldn't give birth the right way I had to have a C-section because my health and our child's health was at risk.  I don't remember much else from that day but I apparently lost a lot of blood. But I understand now why you left. It was to keep us safe and to keep up your rep as the "bad boy". I know you left for a good reason but why does it still hurt and why do I still love you?

3 years later

It's been years since you left and I heard that now you run the Santos. I still wear the promise ring you gave me. I believe you will come back to us. Our daughter has learned to walk and talk now. She asked me the other day "wheres dada" and it broke my heart to lie to her.

I was walking down the road to my friends house when I saw you for the first time in years and I had our daughter with me and you kept looking at her. She looks just like you Cesar. You can see that. "Mama? I hungie." Mars said snapping me out of the trance you had me in. I look down at her and say "Okay baby lets go see tia(auntie)." I then turn towards the house and walk to the door and open it.

Time skip

It was getting late but I needed to go to the store so I can get something for dinner tomorrow. I told my friend that I would be back later to get Mars and head out. I was halfway home when I ran into some trouble. Prophets. They have been trying to get to me since they found out that we had a child together just to get back at you. "Aye mami where you goin by yourself?" one asked while the other asked "Tryna let me hit it too mami" I look at both of them in disgust. I secretly hope one of your people are nearby and will help me before something happens. "Yo what you think your doing with my girl" I hear someone say. It's you. Your coming to help me. So you do care after all.

All hell broke loose and when I say that I mean it. Blood was everywhere and none of it was Cesar's. You told me you'd walk me home and i just simply nodded and let you walk me when I remember that I still had to pick up Mars. I tell you that I have to go get MY daughter and you look like someone just smacked you in the face or punched you in the groin. You tell me, "Okay, I'll walk with you." I again just simply nod at you.

We get to my friends house and she tells me Mars is asleep on the couch and I go to grab her but you beat me to it. You tell me that you got her and we walk out the door. It's still a little weird being around you but I'll get used to it. After all, your coming back to us after all these years. We get to my house and I unlock the door and we step in and I go to take her from you but you back up and ask where her room is. I tell you where it is and you walk in and set her on her bed.

We walk out of her room silently and I close her door. I walk down the hall and into the kitchen and you follow me and say"We need to talk." "Oh? Now you want to talk to me? After all these years?" I start to get angry that now you wanted to talk to me. "Yes,Y/n we really need to talk. I want to be in her life. And if you'll let me, I want us to be a family." He tells me with a sincere look on his face. I begin to tear up. I don't know how to respond to this. I want to scream at you for leaving us but on the other hand I want us to be a happy family like I always dream of.  "Okay Cesar. We can work on it. You guys can meet properly in the morning." I say. "Oh thank you very much Y/n you won't regret it I promise." "Don't make promises you can't keep." I say sadly, you made me a promise before.. you broke it. "I love you still with all my heart I promise you this time things will be different." I was in shock. I couldn't speak. Did I hear you right? Did you just tell me you still love me? "I-i Love You too Cesar" I stutter out. You rush over and kiss me. I kiss back.

"Dada?" We both hear in the doorway. We break apart. "Yes baby its me." You tell her. "Finally, were all together again." I say happily and pick up our daughter and pull us all in for a hug. "I always knew you'd come back to us." I say happily "Always baby girl."

(Btw this is what the promise ring looked like)Authors Note: I'll be honest this isn't my best work

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(Btw this is what the promise ring looked like)
Authors Note: I'll be honest this isn't my best work. I rushed to get this done for you so you could read it and enjoy.. Hope you liked it my lovelies. ❣️

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