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{Author's POV}

As you all know, Bakugou and Deku were childhood friends. But when Bakugou heard that Deku was quirkless, That's when it happened. Midoriya felt sad because of Bakugou's manners around him but he never forget his friendship with him..
(Deku's POV)

"Okay Class 1-A, Today we are going to train your quirks again. I forgot the reason why but we are going to train again. Now, go to your lockers and change into your PE Uniforms." Mr. Aizawa said to the whole class as he rolled out of the room with his sleeping bag. I went to the locker room and.. MY PE UNIFORM ISN'T THERE! I swear I left it in here yesterday!

" H-Hey Iida? Have you seen m-my PE uniform? "

" No, but I did see you put it in your locker yesterday. What, can't you see it?"

"N-No, What am I suppose to wear?! I can't go shirtless!"

"If only I had a spare.. sorry Midoriya."

But I really can't go shirtless.. It's hot outside!

"Boys! we gotta hurry up! Mr. Aizawa is waiting for us outside! Midoriya, you have no choice but to go now."

"J-Just give me a minute, I-Iida"

I took a look again to my locker, there was literally nothing.

"Nerd, hurry up. You're so slow as usual. Come on!"

"Y-Yes Kacchan, I'm coming.."

I really have no choice but to go now. I gotta go. I went outside and when Mr. Aizawa saw me, the whole class stared at me. Bakugou on the other hand, was startled for the first time.

"M-Midoriya! where's your PE?!" Todoroki said as he walked towards me.

"HalfnHalf, His PE uniform is not in his locker so he couldn't wear his PE today, Tch"

Todoroki took off his Jacket and gave it to me (ok, Todoroki was wearing his PE uniform but he has a jacket since it's comfortable.) Then Kacchan looked at us disgusted.

"Here, at least cover yourself up. We're going to train y'know so you need clothing."

"O-Oh no, Todoroki. I'm fine without it. I don't want your jacket to be ruined once the training starts 😅"

(Bakugou's POV)
When I saw Icyhot offered his jacket with Deku, I was disgusted. Why did he even wear his Jacket? at training? That bastard just wanna make his way on Deku. That stupid bastard..
"Class, there is an important rule that you need to follow. You must be teamed up to your pairs and You guys need to WORK TOGETHER. But this time, the pairing system will be changed so you can now pick your partner."

The pairing system changed? Finally! Now I can pick a new partner and I can be away from Mineta 🙄 that perverted fuck.. Now... who should my partner be.. I want someone that could be MY sidekink- I mean SIDEKICK! god.. Oh, Kirishima's already with Iida.. Ojiro with Mineta..
Momo and Mina.. Kaminari, Deku and that multi-quirk is the only choices I have.

"Hey Midoriya! wanna team up!?"
Kaminari said as he walked towards Deku.

"Oh sure!"

Oh hell nah.

I ran over to Deku and gripped on his arm.

"Sorry, Deku already has a partner which is me. Now, go team up with that bastard. He seems lonely."

I then roughly let go of Deku.

(Izuku's POV)
What the hell was that?! Why did Kacchan suddenly picked me? I mean.. I've been teaming up with Todoroki in the last pairing system.. but Kaminari was asking me.. Weird.. Did Kacchan had the wrong breakfast?

"K-Kacchan? what the heck was that!"

"Oh shut up Deku."

He growled again. When does that man learn to speak on his normal voice? While trying to catch up with Kacchan on walking, we saw the zero point robots again.

"Deku come on."

He gestured with his hands.

649 words

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