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(Izuku's POV)

The zero point robots?! But I thought of something even more cooler than those robots. I'll get this over with.

"Kacchan, let me have this"

"If you can, shitty nerd."

I did the old thing that I did in the entrance exam and when I landed a punch in the robot, nothing happened! But I broke my arm for it? what kind of robot is this?

"I knew I shouldn't have believed you. Anyways-"

But then Mr. Aizawa said something in the speaker.

"As you can see, Midoriya's punch doesn't work like before. The robot's increased to 40% in protective layer. That's why I paired you all so you can HELP each other."

Oh right.. I thought it's an individual performance... But I think even Kacchan's quirk doesn't work too.. so we really do need to help each other..

"You should've asked for my help when there's a chance. Now come on, let's defeat this shithead."

We both ran and leaped towards the robot and landed on its back.

"Now jump again and attack!"

We jumped again but we used our quirk on attacks.



and after that, the robot was defeated.
It did cost me energy, and my arm. But.. The arm that I used for the last attack that I did, didn't break at all. I guess I'm improving.

"Midoriya and Bakugou defeated the zero point robots, you can now go back to your classroom and settle down for a bit."

We both went to the locker room and changed our PE uniform but in my case, I have to bring back Todoroki's Jacket but I tore it apart! I'll just put it in his locker.

As I was struggling to guess Todoroki's passcode on his lock, Someone came up to me and pinned me to the locker.

"Nerd, what are you doing to Icyhot's locker? putting in love letters like a bitch?"

"O-oh no Kacchan, I-I was just.. putting back t-the jacket that Todoroki gave m-me!"

"You two look like a thing, do you like each other? That bastard and you?!"

"W-what?! No! we're just friends! Where did you get that idea? That was so unnecessary!"

Then he let's go of me and went back to his locker to put on his uniform. It's so weird of him to pin me but..it was hot to see him like that.. I gotta admit he does have the looks..

I put on my uniform too and thinking of going to the clinic to get healed by Recovery Girl. As I was walking out, I saw Kacchan writing on a piece of paper at the ground. I wonder what he's writing about...He really isn't someone who would write.. Meh, maybe it's for Ochaco, maybe he has a thing for Ochaco..*sighs*

A Bit of Moment With Recovery Girl and Midoriya.

"Kid, specifically how many times have you broken your arm before?"

"I-I'm sorry.."

"Ahh All might should really train you more.. so that you can control yourself more.."



I went to the bathroom to wash my face with my left hand. But then, I suddenly heard voices in one of the stalls. I turned off the sink and walked more closer to the stalls.

"Dude, are you sure you'll give that to h-"

"shhh someone might hear us, idiot."

"But seriously, you're gonna give that?"

"Yeah, well.. not right now. Just for the right moment."

"But what if that person thinks you're weird?"

"Oh I dare that bitch think I'm weird and that person recieve a beating."

"So... Well, goodluck to that. I gotta head out"

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