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This bastard is really drunk, now he's asking me to hug him? This absurd nerd can't get himself together.

"Fuck you, why would you even ask me that?"

[Author's POV]
After Bakugou asked, Deku pulled Bakugou close to him and stared at him deeply in his eyes.

"𝘽𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙄 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙆𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣.."

Bakugou then pulled away from Deku. He wouldn't believe the words that came out of Midoriya's mouth. Bakugou was so shocked. He didn't know Midoriya liked him too, or.. is it that he's only drunk for him to say that? He didn't know and wasn't sure. But one thing that he did believe is that this wasn't a dream, This is real life.

B:"Deku, you piece of shit.. You're lying."

D:"Oh good'ol Kacchan, when will you ever believe me.."

Deku said with a hazy voice, he then soon fell asleep. Bakugou slightly smiled but went back to frowning. This is one of the night he wouldn't forget easily.


[Izuku's POV]
Dang.. my head hurts so much.. where am I? I looked around and I realized that This is Kacchan's room. But.. why am I here? last thing I remember was dancing with Uraraka and Iida. Was I drunk?.. Mom will kill me once she sees me. Did Kacchan bring me here? Hopefully nothing happened while I was drunk..

I saw Kacchan on the floor, sitting and sleeping. It kinda irritates me to see Kacchan sitting on the floor sleeping and not on the bed. This is his house! Why am I the one sleeping on the bed?

"K-Kacchan.. Wake up"

I checked the clock on Kacchan's room and.. we are for god sake's late for school. I waked up Kacchan at the most amazing way possible. I learned this technique that was said to me by Kaminari and Kirishima-kun.


I yelled loudly as a rubbed his hair with my left hand roughly. He opened his eyes and then that's the time I realized that I am deadass done to him. He grabbed my left arm and stood up with a scary, angry looking face. His usual face is scary enough but this is actually kinda making me really scared.

"what the fuck did I say about you calling me names.. You shitty prick, Didn't we agree that you call me Kacchan and I'll call you Deku??"

He yelled furiously. That's it! I'll get a punch from Kacchan!

[Author's POV]

Deku was shaking and scared. He closed his eyes and turned away his head. He expected Bekugou to blast his face or like punch him in the face. But what he did to Deku was far more than what he expected. Bakugou let go of his arm, leaned closer and kissed his cheeks softly.

"Just.. don't call me that again, you lame shit."

He said as he leaned close to Deku's ears, sending chills down his arms and legs. Bakugou opened the closet, grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom.

Deku was left there in the room with a very hot atmosphere surrounding him. He didn't know if it was embarassment or.. If he's flustered. Deku was zoning out of the blue. Until a bird hit Bakugou's window. He grabbed his backpack and went out of the room.

"K-Kacchan! I-I'll be heading out now! uhm.. s-see you at school! Bye!"

Deku was about to run out of the house until Bakugou called out for him.

He went out of the bathroom with a towel only covering his waist, Bakugou was soaking wet. Bakugou's timing was perfect. Just when deku was about to open the door, he called out for him.

"Nerd, make sure to prepare for your mother's rant about you not going home last night, Auntie Inko might think of something between us."

[Midoriya's POV]
He said with his raspy voice. I couldn't focus on what he was saying, I was distracted with his face and body. My god, why did he have to do that? Mom doesn't scold me much because she trusts me, plus I'm way too old for her spanking.


"Oi, Deku!"

"Oh.. Erm..  yeah! K-Kacchan!"

I then waved goodbye at Kacchan as I open the door.

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