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"I know you aren't dumb you nerd. You should know what that means already."

I will not assume that it's because he likes me because one, he doesn't have any bits to even like me. Second, why would he have feelings for a guy?! it isn't his thing! but I have the feeling that it really is because of that.. It's all making sense! Even when he heard that Todoroki-kun visited me, he already felt bad! and what is he saying about me liking Todoroki-kun? did I ever say that?

I ran up to him, grabbed his wrists and went to the boy's lockerroom. I faced the other way because I can feel my face burning up. I couldn't look at Kacchan blushing..

"K-Kacchan! what do you mean by I like Todoroki-kun??!"

"Am I right?! If I am, might as well assume that you two are dating and acting all confused to the goddamn situation!!"

"When did I say that to you?! You're freaking lying!"

I said as a turned my head away from Kacchan's. I never said that to Kacchan.. I only said that Todoroki is nice and caring but he never know what I truly feel towards Kacchan...

[Author's POV]

Deku didn't want Bakugou to think of it that way when he said that stuff about Todoroki. Then Bakugou went out the lockerroom to go back, leaving Deku.

Deku did the same thing too except when he came back, everyone was gone. Even his stuff! He expected something different, did Bakugou perhaps took it and blew it up because of anger?? or.. did he put it in his room?.. Deku thought it's impossible because Bakugou doesn't know his dorm number. He hurried to go inside the dorm building and went up to Mr. Aizawa.

"Mr. Aizawa, um.. have you seen my stuff?"

"Bakugou took it earlier and put it inside your dorm."

"Oh.. t-thanks for telling me sir."

He went to infront of his dorm, opened the door and saw all of his stuff with a can of soda. Bakugou sure did change after all that stuff that happened earlier.
After arranging all of his stuff inside the dorm, He then lay down to the bed  eith his phone next to him. He decided to think about what Bakugou said to him earlier..

"Do you think I didn't feel bad when I found out you like Icyhot?!" was the phrase he kept on annalyzing. Other than the fact that he said that while Todoroki was beside Deku, He felt bad

oo. Why must everything be like this? can't everything that's happening right  now be okay?

While he was thinking all that, his phone vibrated..

While he was thinking all that, his phone vibrated

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Deku immediately went to Bakugou's room. He bursted in and didn't saw Bakugou there. He looked around and suddenly the door closed loudly. Deku then gets pinned on the wall.

[Izuku's POV]

"Kacchan.. what are you doi- mmph!"

He suddenly pressed his lips against mine. Everything was warm, Every second mattered around that time for us. I kissed him back, This might be the only last chance we can kiss. wait- WHAT THE HECK ARE WE DOING! we shouldn't be doing this. Someone might come in!

I slowly pushed him away from me, taking my time to breathe. I was shocked the moment my senses came back to me.

"K-Kacchan..! why would you kiss me..?"

It took a few seconds for him to say something to me. But when he said everything he has to say, it melted my heart and made me love him more than before..

"Deku.. I'm sorry. To all the things I've said to you and about Icyhot. I know you're upset and disappointed of me right now, But.. I just wanna say I love you.. I felt really fucking jealous when you said you like Icyhot.. I'm sorry I suddenly pulled you into this.. "

All this time in my life, I've never seen this side of Kacchan. He's became soft and very very gentle with me. I then kissed him one more time and smiled at him.

"Kacchan, how many times do I really have to tell you.. I didn't say I like Todoroki, I just described him.
To be honest.. I.."

{Before the kissing shit}

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