Chapter VI

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"Welcome back bud"
We hug each other lightly as out eyes met, its Kim Hongjoong, He's one of my pal back then, its been a long time since we gathered together because our schedule is busy these days.

He's one for our kingdom partner that  we have, he's leading the Pirate King Kingdom which mean his kingdom in a pirate ship as from the name it is, we have the others to but of course we don't want to bothered them just to met.

"Cmon let's sit " He nodded and seat face to face with me, "Wow you getting more handsomer not gonna lie" He caress my soft cheeks which I giggle about it, "Handsome or ..Cute?" "Both" "Aww stop being a flirty Joong" "Fine fine hehe"

He such a tease if I can say, well not that tease but this kind of tease as known as flirty, yeah it's true because he already have a husband.

"So how's your schedule this week's?"
"It's not that many ehh I don't know it's kinda easy for me tho"
"Hm okay I believe that, so is anything new between you two?"
"You mean.. Seonghwa? There's nothing new tho, but yeah we did it"
"Oh you did IT? Wow you getting older than I thought"
"Don't you have a fiance?"
"No no not yet"
"Wow you better find one bud you're to old to be single"
"Well I don't know about this but there this guy who made me in love"
"Oh really who?"
"His name is Dongju, but I guess I don't have a chance, all of us been flirting with him"
"Aww but who did he like tho?"
"Surprisingly he liked me, but.. You know there's werewolf packs in out family right?"
"There's 2 right? It's Youngjo and Leedo hyung"
"Both of them wants him, they should get their mate fast tho, if not they became stress about it so I just give up on him."
"But that Dongju guy didn't like them. Right?"
I nodded, he have that "thinking" face all over him, he chuckles "Well that guy must be so lucky back then"
"Actually no, he got kicked by his parents"
"Oh shit that's worst"
"Yeah you know why he get kicked out?"
'Because he's gay"
"Fuck that parents they don't deserve him" Hongjoong made that disgusted face, I chuckles, we really talked a lot about our kingdom stuff and our memories back then, he was still small but sure Woong is the smallest here, we didn't think how times is it because we to focused talking to each other with fun stuff.

"Master I think we should head back"
Hongjoongs guard said, he looked at the clock, "Oh wow we did talk a lot more than I expected" "Yeah hehe" We both get up from our seats and give each other a warm good bye hugs.
"See you again Elsa"
"Aish see you again Minion"

Ahh it's such a nice day right now, talking with long time buds, I hope we get to be together all of us, huff schedule sucks.

Youngjo POVs

"Why the hell it's so hard to memorize it?" Well I've been flipping this pages non stop for 20 minutes, and non of them stuck in my head, some of them does stuck in my head, but it's not that important thing to remember.

Being the next king is not easy as you think it is, there so many to learn, reading thick books is the worst, since I'm an Alpha same as Leedo are the strongest here, and we have to find a mate to be our partner for our journey.. But let's not talk about that first, there's no Beta nor Omega in this kingdom so we forced to have a human to be our mate.

Should we find them?
Nah.. I think that a waste of time, but I don't know.. Should I discuss it with Leedo? But what about Dongju? I loved him tho.. But I feel bad about the others because they liked him to, they may give up just because the Alphas need their mate's, but I don't know yet ugh. I have some friends who's Omega but they not that strong.

"Huff" King king king, how can I become a king if I'm already like this?

HwangWoong POVs

"UwU Minju you're so cute!"
"Heh of course she is, like her owner"
Im stroking Minjus soft fluffy fur, I just want to hug her everyday so bad. Yes I came to Dongjus room to see them since we're not that close. I snuggle my face to her fur.

"So how do you have the idea to named her Minju?"
"Hmm since I'm Dongju why not naming her Minju? I actually thought of Dongkku but since she a girl I picked Minju"
"Great taste you have there"
"Hehe it's not that great tho"

Minju licked my face as her tail keep wagging left and right, I hug her tight, seeing us Dongju smiled, "You guys really make a good friendship there"
"Isn't she does this with the others Hyung"?
" Nah she only picked you and Seoho, but when it's Youngjo she bites" "What about Leedo and Keonhee?"
"They never visit us so yeah"
I give him a O shaped mouth as I keep playing with her, Oh Minju you don't know how much I love you UwU

And your owner too!
But..Sadly I can't make him to be mine,but being this close with him it's fine, as long we're seeing each other everyday makes me happy OwO.

"So Woongie, Do you like me?"


Hey guys!
Yey I updated something today, I thought I didn't update a story this Tuesday, but guess I did.

So I hope you like it!
•Kpop in Unnieverze•

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