Lee Seoho Special 🎉💜

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05.30 Seoho POV  | June. 27.2020

•I slowly opened my eyes, trying to rub it till the view is clear, and getting up slowly. I turned to my left. Wait Huh? Keonhee? He's gone?

I quickly throw my blanket and Turn on the light, it's...,so empty, I didn't even hear someone talking or wondering around, downstairs as well. I fix a bit of my clothes and run off opening the door.

•Oh wow.No one, even the guard is gone. Where are they? What are they doing this early morning? This feels so weird honestly.
The sun haven't rise yet. Are they doing something? Its almost 6 o'clock everyone should already on their work.., did they all leave? But why?

Without me? Alone?
"Guys..,? Hello? Is anyone here?"

no respond

"Uhh Guys..,?"

•What are they doing and where are they? Are they preparing something? Its so empty.., I never felt this feeling before when I lived here.Eh I just going to take a bath.

bath~dressed up•

Fix that and..., Done!
Okay.., What am I going to do..,
Keonhee, Youngjo, Woongie, Leedo, Dongju.., Where are you :(

I decided to go outside since I've been staying in the Castle all the time. Just sitting down and writing some stuff.

Oh wow, the fresh air is really a good thing for this morning. Glad I finished off my things, so now I'm free.
I walked around and greeted by our people, this feeling is so great.

"Good Morning your Majesty."
They said bowing 90° and smiled.
I smiled back and continue to walk.

Huff,The time change so fast, Youngjo has became a king. His hard work never disappoint me, he still a lazy ass sometimes but he's the busiest anyway :v

•I stopped as some Squirrels in front of me, This yard is full of cute animals I swear-

"Hey Buddy."

I said sitting on my knees, slowly reaching a hand to the Squirrel. They notice it and jump to my hand. I giggle and caress their fur, it's so fluffy and soft and beautiful and cute. Their tail is so cute omg. OwO kiyowoo. They climbed to my shirt and rest of my shoulder. Awhh.

"Your Majesty, i'm sorry for interupting your time, I made you a flower crown because its your birthday, I'm sorry It bad its my first time making it."

Suddenly a voice spoke behind me, I turn around and smiled. A kid.I kneeled and stroking his hair.

"Thank you Honey, you such a sweet boy, this flower crown I beautiful, I cant believe its your first time, the color is so stunning, Thank you so much Honey!"

I grin hugging him. I heard a giggle and facing him again.

"Can you put it on my head?"
He look perplexed.

"Umm can I Your Majesty?"


I lower my head as he started to lay the flower crown on my head.

"Your majesty you look so beautiful."
I giggle and cup his face.

"Thank you Honey, Congrats you're the first one who say it."

"Wait what? Huh? How about the king and the others?"

"I.., dont know actually I never seen them since this morning."

He has that excited face and sparkling eyes, he's so cute omg.

"Okay honey you must go back for your parents okay? And Thank you for the gift I really appreciate it." He nodded and runs off. Owh my heart. The flower crown also smells nice. Lets just keep walking with this cutie.

evening came | 17.35

•Its been a while since i walked huh, but still, I never get tired from this view, the sky color is majestic. The sun is going down, it just perfect.

"Your Majesty?"

I flinch at the sudden voice and turned around. Oh it's our guard.

"Where have you guys been? Why is the Castle so empty?" I ask. He scratch his neck and sigh.

"I'm sorry Young Master, can you go back to the Castle right now?"
I nodded and walk back to the castle, I almost forgot this Cutie was with me all along Lmao.

We finally arrived at the Castle, it's.., nothing new tho, but it just a bit dark from the usual. I opened the gate and made our way inside.

"It's so dark, I can't even see a thing."
I complain, now I can't hear a sign from the guard too. Why can't he just replied or something. What am I doing here? Geez it's so fricking dark.


Still, no respond.

I tried to feel something but it's empty, I'm in the middle of the darkness, great.

"Guys? It's not fun, G-guys..?"

•Ahh I'm scared, Wait.., the squirrel, is gone? I can't feel them anymore. It's so dark :(

Suddenly a light turned on, finally ohmygad.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Saranghaneun our Seoho, Happy birthday to you~"

Then all of the light turned on. I see all of them, even our maid.

"AISH GUYS MY HEART ALMOST JUMP OFF." They all laugh and smiled.

"Happy birthday Babe."
A figure hug me from behind, I giggle and turned around.

"Aww such a lovey dovey<3"

"Keonhee I was so scared!"
I said punching him lightly.

"Hehe Birthday Surprise success."
"Where's the Squirrel?"

"I put him on the cage, We have our first pet Baby." I smiled and hug him again.

We started to eat the cake while telling what am I doing this morning.

"Poor Seoho he looked so scared."
Hwangwoong laugh. I can't help to laugh back even tho it's me :v

"No.. kiss?"
Keonhee made that "hm?" Face as I ask him that.


I nodded, he look flustered awh.
He slowly tilting his head same as he. We both closed our eyes.



We all laugh and it was late night, They all wish me a Happy birthday and hand me their gift,and go back to their place. I put all of the gift in our room. I  finally took a bath and changed with a large oversized shirt and pants.

"Hey Keonhee."
I jump off to him as he laying on the bed.


"Where's..., my gift?"


"My gift from you."

"Uhm. I'm sorry Baby I didn't buy anything for you. "

"No not that one."
He look confused as I crawled to him.

"I want you."


Happy birthday Our Squirrel! I really hope you have the best day ever and stay healthy as always.

Plot twist, they didn't do "it" Because they're both sleepy :v
I really hope you enjoy this Chapter and always, stay healthy and safe and sound. Love You!

•Kpop in Unnieverze•

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