Let Me Be By Your Side, Under this Starry Night

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A/N: My first ever fic! :D Hope you all enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts! 


"Brett? Brett, are you in here?" Eddy said while opening the door to their dorm room. The jingling of the keys was the only thing he got in response.

Eddy and Brett had been friends since they were 13 and 14 years old. After that, neither heaven nor hell could pull them apart.

"Brett?!" Eddy shouted this time, with a bit of concern and worry in his voice. He placed his violin on the couch and put his coat on the hanger and entered their room. There was nothing special about the room, just three single beds, two desks on either side and a music stand in a small room which was apparently a 'practice room', and then a small common kitchen and a common room with a couch, they made it work though, he, Brett and Jordan made it work . And then he found Brett in the room,there he was,sitting on the edge of the window lost in his own thoughts.

"Brett?" Eddy whispered gently into Brett's ear which made the older violinist jump.

"Holy Shit Eddy!" he said while trying to catch his breath. "When did you come in?"

Eddy snickered and then sat next to Brett, "Just now, I even shouted your name out loud, but you were lost in your thoughts." Brett just gave him a head nod.

"Everything alright?", the younger asked, while putting his hand on Brett's shoulder a concern lining on his face.

"Yeah... Was just thinking about the upcoming concert at the con." Brett replied.

This was Brett's last year at the uni and he was given an opportunity to make his debut as a soloist performing the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. How could he say no? It was to be performed the day after tomorrow.

"What about it?" Eddy asked. "Nothing, just the nerves you know.." Brett replied, shaking his head as to arouse himself out of his thoughts. Eddy just nodded.

"Wanna get coffee?" The elder asked while getting up and dragging himself towards the door. He was tired, stressed and nervous. For a mere mortal, it would be tough to make out Brett's feelings, but for Eddy, he had a PhD in Brett's psychology, so none of it went unnoticed by Eddy.

"Dunno bro, you look tired, you sure? Don't want you to crash from the caffeine high later, since the concert is day after. You should rest." Eddy replied, with a terribly neutral tone.

"Okay mom!" an annoyed Brett replied. Eddy snorted. "How about a movie then?" Brett asked, practically begged so that he could get his mind off the concert which was lingering on top of his head as a sword that would drop any minute.

"Fine" Eddy replied, Brett lit up to this and ran towards the common room. "But only till 10pm! Then you head to bed!" he shouted.

"Stop being my mom!" Brett replied with a certain annoyance lingering in his voice.

Eddy got up and left the room, closing the door behind him. By the time he came, Brett had made himself comfy on the couch and apparently had also decided which movie they would be watching, it will be Inception. Eddy just slumped down on the couch next to Brett, looked at the screen and then again at Brett with a certain displeasure on his face. 

"Again? This is like the millionth time we are watching this. I know it's good, I won't deny that, but really?" the younger voiced his opinion. Brett didn't care and just let out a small snicker, his eyes still glued to the screen. Eddy accepted his defeat, and silently turned towards the screen.

Halfway through the movie, Eddy was on the verge of falling asleep when Brett nudged him and looked at him. 

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Brett whispered. Eddy gave him a reassuring nod, to let Brett know that he had his attention. 

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