Half of a Whole

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A/N: This was a prompt from linglingisinus which was given when we had our first conversation, and had the idea in the back of my mind for a while, so I have finally written it out! 

Prompt: Eddy's nephew doesn't want his help for teaching him violin (despite being a professional violinist) his reason? 

"Mr. Yang is really cool!"

It isn't exactly the same, a bit tweaked, but the core idea i.e. the nephew being star-struck by Brett is hopefully there, intact.  

Hope you all enjoy it! :D


There was sheet music strewn all across his table, several pages stained with coffee. Itzakh Perlman's Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto was playing on the stereo. But it was hardly audible in the midst of the squeals and screams that came from the apartment. What seemed like a human was huddled up under a blanket, small eyes peering to look at Eddy.

He sighed. "Nathan, come on out please. Your mom will be here to pick you up in a bit and we haven't made it past the first note of Twinkle Twinkle," He mumbled, walking up to the small human, pulling the blanket from over him.

The small boy with feline eyes and specs screamed and grumbled, but to no avail as Eddy simply picked him up and led them to the practice room. He took the small 1/4th size violin lying on the table and handed it to him.

"Again. D string, first finger. Alright?" He asked. Nathan nodded meekly as he picked it up with what seemed to be an okay posture for a 5 year old beginner. The bow hold was horrendous though, but Eddy assumed that with practice he would get it. Eventually.

His hands automatically plugged his ears closed as Nathan squeaked out a shrieking E and Eddy couldn't help but notice that it was slightly flat. Damn his perfect pitch, for once he wanted to be tone deaf.

Actually no. He wanted to be just deaf.

God, why did he take up this offer?

Being the uni student he was, drowning in self-pity and debt, he had accepted his aunt's offer of giving Nathan violin lessons every weekend for 2 hours for which she would pay him money that was enough for him to survive for the week.

But this week was different.This week, his aunt had dropped Nathan for the whole goddamn weekend cause she had to go out of town for some work. Eddy had been more than reluctant to take the offer, but when she pleaded by saying she would pay double the money, he practically dragged the child towards him.

When you are a university student, and your wallet is six feet under, you better take up every offer that brings you those damn dollars.

So Eddy took him in for the weekend. Realising how lucky he was to be a younger brother, he discovered a newfound respect for his sister who dealt with the typhoon he must have been that seemed to be the definition of 'tiny child'.

Friday night was nice. Nathan was a very quiet and shy child, and in some aspects reminded him of himself. He didn't speak much, head ducked down at all times and the elder had been silently questioning if he was scared of him. Seeing the younger jump almost every time he spoke, the fumbling of his fingers when they sat on the couch and watched TV. Everything led to the conclusion that Nathan was somewhat scared of Eddy. They had to spend the weekend together after all? So maybe make the boy open up to him anyway.

The five year old was fond of classical music, he had found out, and thought of using it as a subject for them to bond over.

And they did. Not in the house, but in the concert hall in front of the Corda Spiritus orchestra. With his friend, Brett Yang as the soloist playing Mozart Violin Concerto No.4. And boy did Eddy see the sparks that lit up in the five year old's eyes as he saw Brett's flawless playing. He had practically pleaded to him to make them meet Brett after the concert. And luckily for him, Brett was his best friend.

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