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"hi everyone im excited to meet all of you. thank you for coming to this event. i love you all." nanon greeted and the convention is now filled with screams from his fans."

today is nanon's fan meet. he told me to come with him to accompany him somehow. don't get me wrong but we're not into each other. really. i mean he's cute. and nice. that's all.

ok i'll label our 'relationship' as friends. yup we're friends. i don't know how but let's just leave it here.

after nanon greeted his fans he went inside the backstage to do whatever he's going to do. i am sitted at the very back of the room just so i can have the best view. you know so i can see everything. hehe

my phone rang that caused noise so some fans, and now they are looking at me. huh? i don't even look at each and everyone of you while y'all screaming earlier???

it's a call. i swiped and answer it.


"i though you're coming? the event is about to start."

"i know."

"huh? where are you?"


"of what? taxi? womb? school? mall?"

"the convention, idiot"

"oh, where exactly are you? my sister is looking for you. i'm in backstage right now. she can pick you up."

"nah. i'm good."

"really? people might see you."

"they won't." after i said that someone approached me.

"hi i've seen in nanon's ig, you're prima right?"

"i guess that's me hehe."

"i told you i should have sent my sis-" nanon said in the line.

"nanon.. i'm fine. i'll call if something happens. okay non. bye."

"call me. okay? take care. bye prim." the call ended.

"is that nanon?" the girl approached me asked.

"no. not really. it's just my bill. hehe"

"ok. I guess i misheard. by the way can we take a photo?"

"yeah sure." she pull out her phone and we took selfies. we bid goodbye after that.

i don't know how this girl knew me, oh wait i know, because nanon kept taking videos of me either i'm sleeping, doing ugly faces to mock him or whenever he likes to and posted them online.

i'm not into fame it's not my type, i mean i can't take those hates towards me when i'm with him. i get hated as well that's why i tryna keep some space between us infront of the screen. he's still my friend after all and i don't see wrong about being friends with nanon except when he's being annoying to me. jk

minutes later and the event started. they do some games with him. he sang and danced with them and all i remember is meet and greet is the last portion of the event. just 30 more minutes and this event is finish. ok.  i can't wait to leave this place cause i can't stand his fans shouting 'i love you' to him every freaking seconds and it annoys me that he replied back. what-

yeah. what is wrong with you prima.

you're annoyed that he replied 'i love you too' with his fans. really?

nanon korapat Where stories live. Discover now