Chapter 1

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It was a colorful and bright night within the city, full of sound and sight. However, along the city side was a small pizzeria where we lay our scene. The place was known as Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria and was home to three main stars; a bear, a chicken, and a fox. But soon there would be a new member that would change the course of one of the member's life forever.

Chica was in the kitchen cooking dinner for Foxy and Freddy. Chica was a sweet, big bone southern gal who was a hard worker. Sure she was sassy and snippy at times but she was full of tough love. Foxy was also in the kitchen with Chica polishing his hook and quietly humming to himself. He was a calm and quiet guy who kept to himself but was friendly and had a good scene of humor. Freddy on the other hand was in his office doing paper work, it seemed that after every show or on a day off he was always isolated in his office. Chica turned to Foxy and spoke in her soft voice. "I wonder what time the new guy or gal is coming?" Foxy looked up from his hook. "Probably round the morning from what I heard lassie". Chica nodded as Foxy put down the cleaning rag for his hook. "I just hope the new matey is likable and positive, it'll lighten things up round here". Chica let out a soft giggle. "Oh you silly fox, I'm pretty sure the new guy will be friendly he or she is build for kids after all". Just then heavy footsteps could be heard and appeared in the doorway was the great leader himself, Freddy Fazbear. Freddy wasn't like Foxy or Chica who were always positive and easy going, he was the complete opposite. He was rude, selfish, and always focussed on his pride more than anything. All he cared about was being the main star of the pizzeria and stealing all the attention. Of course he never acted that way with the kids but over the years he learned to be a good manipulator and pull the wool over people's eyes. "What are you two yapping about know!?" Freddy asked in a low growl. His voice was really deep and very manly which matched his built and his personality. "Oh hey boss, we were just talking about the new guy coming tomorrow", Chica replied. Freddy scoffed and sat down picking up the newspaper and reading it. "Oh please it's just a new member, it's nothing to get your feathers and fur ruffled over!". Foxy let out a little sigh. "Seriously captain your not even excited about the news". Freddy looked up giving Foxy and Chica the stank eye then quickly looked back at the paper turning the page with his claw. "I could give a rat's ass as long as the new guy is making me money!" Foxy and Chica quietly shock their heads, they just couldn't understand the reason why Freddy was the way he was. For years they tried to solve the mystery behind their brute of a boss. But always ended up clueless.

The next morning Foxy and Chica stood around the corner of the hallway as they watched the workers bring in a giant box into the restaurant. Freddy stepped outside of his office or which was also his room and walked over to them. "What are you morons staring at!?". All Freddy got in return was shushing. "Pipe down we're watching them bring the new member in you tinhead!". Chica whispered yelled. Freddy just rolled his eyes and watched with an expressionless face as they carried the box into the restaurant. After the workers placed the box on the stage and left the others ventured over to check it out. They quickly examined the box and tried to peck inside for clues to see who was inside. "Should we open it?", Chica asked turning to Foxy and Freddy. "I don't see the harm in opening it", Foxy replied as he used his hook to open it. After a minute or two of taking the boards  and nails off one by one it was open and inside stood a purple animatronic bunny with a red bowtie. "Aw man why couldn't be a girl!", Chica whined and stomped her feet. Foxy ket let out a light chuckle "Sorry lassie." She was mad that she was the only female in the restaurant now.  Honestly could you really blame her. "Well don't just stand around turn him on already!", Freddy demanded impatiently. Chica leaned forward and turned on his power switch on the back of his head. "Alright Mr, Bossy!" Chica yelled back. And with that the animatronic fluttered his eyes and the three of them stood in silence as they were met with two fiery rubies staring back at them. And that's how it all began.

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