Chapter 19

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The morning was filled with sweet sounds of song birds and the smell of honey due in the air. Today was how a Sunday should be. A day of rest and relaxation, a day where people fold their hands and pray. The pizzeria, as always on every Sunday was closed. Leaving the animatronics at peace and at bay.

Bonnie fluttered his eyes open, he rubbed and blinked them for a couple of seconds. Shortly after he realized that he wasn't in his room. He was in Freddy's room laying on his bed. He even still had Freddy's jacket on him from last night. He heard a loud rumble that started him at first. Only for him to look over and see the grizzy bear snoring away in his cot. Bonnie had no idea how or way he was in Freddy's room. He didn't whether to leave or stay. He buried himself back into Freddy's coat. It was extremly big on him but it was very cozy. It even had a smell of pine and wild berries, like you were in the middle of the woods. After a couple minutes Freddy let out a little snort and slowly opened his eyes looking up at Bonnie and smiled. "Hey." Bonnie smiled looking at Freddy buried in his blankets. "Hey Fred." Freddy stretched and let out a deep, long yawn that could rumble the floor. "How did I end up in your bed?" Bonnie asked slightly blushing at the situation. Freddy scooted a little closer to Bonnie still laying down. "You got a little tipsy, so I decided to carry you home and put you to bed." "Oh god, I hope I didn't say or do anything stupid." Bonnie said covering his face with his hands. Freddy just smiled and chuckled. "No need to worry Bon, you wers alright." Bonnie pulled his hands away and smiled. "Did you have a great time?" Freddy asked. "Oh Freddy it was wonderful. The food, the dance, everything was perfect." Freddy took ahold of Bonnie's slightly squeezing and kissing it. "That exactly what I wanted to hear." Bonnie just smiled and giggled at the bears actions of affection. "You know, I kept your promise." Freddy stated with a hint of pink on his cheeks. Bonnie tilted his head slightly. "What promise?" "You asked me would I still love you in the morning." Bonnie faces started to get darker. He knew he was drunk but he didn't know that he was that drunk. "W-well do you?" Freddy smiled up at the little bunny before him, snuggled in his coat. "Forever and always babe." Bonnie couldn't help but smile and pull Freddy's head into his lap. "Come here you." He leaned down connecting both his and Freddy's lips together. Is this what it feels like to be in the arms of a lover, your other half, your dearest friend. To Freddy that's what it felt like. It reminded him of a fireplace. At first the love burns bright and large but after a while it becomes a hearth with a comforting glow and warmth that you can fall back on. That's what it felt like to be in Bonnie's arms. "I-i think I should be heading back to my room." Bonnie stated as he went to get up, but Freddy forced is whole body weight on Bonnie so he wouldn't move. "Fr-freddy please, I have to get dressed." Freddy wouldn't move he just laied on Bonnie burrowing his face into Bonnie's chest. "Freddy come on!" Finally Freddy looked up at Bonnie and the sight almost broke his heart. Freddy's eyes were big and shiny almost like he was about to cry. He had the eyes of a lost puppy and that sight pierced through Bonnie's heart. "Please stay with me for today. I don't wanna be alone." All this sudden commotion startled Bonnie because Freddy went from aggressive to possessive over him in a matter of months. Then again he could see why. Freddy never had friends or a close connection with anyone before. Of course Freddy's attitude in the past was the main cause but Chica and Foxy didn't help much either. Now Bonnie was the closes he had to a friend and a lover. Bonnie gave in and layed back down on the bed letting Freddy lay his head on his chest. "Thank you, I don't ever want there to be a day where your not in my arms." Bonnie couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around Freddy's back tightly squeezing the bear. They just laied there in each others arms as light and low purrs could be heard from them.

While the two were off in there own Wonderland. Controversy and caution was being stirred up in the kitchen.

"I think something is up with that bear." Foxy stated as the two sat at the kitchen table enjoying their cups of coffee. For the last couple days since Freddy and Bonnie have been getting closer. Foxy has started to believe that there's more behind this little romance plot between them just hearts and kisses. "And what do you mean by that?" Chica asked. She was never the type to stirr up trouble or stick her beak in other people's business. But she started to grow worry for her little friend. "He's never been like this before, it just seems a little odd to me that he could change so suddenly with Bonnie when we tried with him for so many years." Foxy spoke in a low growl. "Plus have you noticed he hasn't said anything about that little bet we made with Bonnie?" "Maybe he just forgotten about it like Bonnie did." Chica reassured him. "Ha! the ole fatass wouldn't forget something let that. He never let's anything go." Chica was growing uneasy about the situation. Sure Foxy was a bit of a shit stirrer and was always nosey but he did have a point. Freddy was never the type to make a deal and then just up and forget about it like it was nothing. "Just get to the point Foxy." Chica stated impatiently. "I think the captain is playing our little bunny so he can get rid of him." Foxy stated sipping his coffee. "You mean he's faking is love with Bonnie just to get rid of him?!" Chica asked almost jumping out of her chair. "Think about lassie, Freddy has always been a crocked, lying backstaber who would do whatever it takes to keep his places as number one here." Chica didn't want to believe it at all. Yes everything Foxy was say is true but deep down she didn't want to believe it for Bonnie's sake. "But what about when he stormed off to save Bonnie, the trip to the greenhouse, and the dinner date?" Foxy just shook his head. "He's playing all of us as fools so we won't lead on to his little game. He's always been a manipulator lassie and you know it." At this point Chica couldn't protest it. Even though she wanted to she couldn't it all made sense in some twisted way. She gave in and listen to Foxy's warning. "What should we do?" Chica asked. "I believe we should arrange a double date with them. To watch their every movement or see if Freddy breaks character when no one is looking." Foxy said with a swift of his tail. "Are you sure about that?" Chica asked. Foxy just had an evil smirk on his face as he strirred his coffee with his hook. "Trust me lassie, Freddy's little game will come to an end real soon.~"

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