Chapter 16

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Ever since that day that they first kissed Bonnie's mind was like a tilt-a-whirl. He didn't know what to do or say. Yes, he fell in love with Freddy and the kiss confirmed that Freddy felt the same way. But his goal was to make Freddy a better person, not his lover. Whenever they would see each other Freddy would smile, wink, and shout out "Hey cotton tail~". Bonnie needed someone to talked to about this. His heart and mind were going crazy over Freddy and he knew exactly who would listen to him.

Bonnie poked his head in the doorway of the kitchen and sure enough Chica as always was in there. He sighed and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Chica." Chica turned her head and smile. "Hey there Bonnie, whatcha up to?" Bonnie took at seat at the table and looked back at Chica. "I need help, I need some advice." Chica's smile slowly drained away as she took her seat at the table. "What's on your mind sugarcube?" Bonnie's face started to show a hint of pink as he looked at Chica. "It's about Freddy." Chica nodded and leaned back in her chair. "I knew this topic was gonna come up sooner or later, go on." Bonnie's ears folded downward and rested on his shoulders. "Well a couple days ago at the park...we kissed." At the moment Chica stood straight up out of her chair slamming her hands on the table. "You did what?!" Bonnie looked at her with a shock look and began to stutter. "I-i don't know!? he just wrapped his arms around me and kissed me!" Chica reclaimed her seat and tried to calm down. "And what did you do?" Bonnie's face grew darker at the question as he thought about the whole situation. "I kissed back and-" Bonnie just stopped mid-sentence his eyes slowly dilated at he was about to say. "And?" Chica questioned him. A smile formed on his face as he cupped both of his hands together and closed his eyes. "It was amazing. I don't know why but when he held me in his arms I felt so safe like nothing could ever harm me. The way he kissed me was so soft and passionate. And the way his small beard on his chin tickled me sent chills through my whole body." When Bonnie opened his eyes again he could see both Chica and even Foxy starting at him with wide eyes. "Oh Bonnie, you really did fell for him hard." Chica stated. "Bonnie matey, ye were supposed to fix him, not fall in love with him." Foxy chimed in pointing his hook at him. "I know, but Freddy and I have gotten close and believe it or not. There's something there that wasn't there before." Both Foxy and Chica looked at each other and then back at Bonnie. "So what are you gonna do?" Chica asked. Bonnie thought about it for a moment and then smiled. "I think I'll give him a chance." Foxy placed his hook on Bonnie's shoulder gently. "Are ye sure ye know what yer doing?" Bonnie nodded his head and smiled. "Yes I'm positive." Foxy sighed then finally smiled. "Ok we believe ye." Bonnie stood up from his seat headed to the doorway. "Thanks for listening to me guys I feel better." Foxy and Chica smiled back at him "Anything for you Bonnie." As Bonnie left the room they turned to each other with worried expressions on their faces. "I hope he knows what he's doing." Chica stated

Bonnie was in his room softly playing his guitar. He was singing to himself as he was practicing. He couldn't help but think about when him and Freddy were singing in the car together. He honestly enjoyed them singing together. He wondered if he could get a chance to do a duet with him. How that would the him off his feet and make his heart flutter just to sing with him. There was a knock at the door that knocked Bonnie out of his thoughts. He got off the bed placing his guitar down and headed to the door. He opened the door and Freddy stood in the doorway. He was fiddling with his fingers, Bonnie could tell that he was nervous about something. "Oh hey Freddy!" Bonnie said smiling up at the giant bear. "H-hey Bon, there's something I-i ask you." Freddy was stuttering on his words and his face was a little red. Bonnie nodded and leaned on the trim of the doorway. "What is it Fred?" Freddy looked down taking a deep breath and looked back at Bonnie. "I-i was wondering if you'd like to go out to eat with me tomorrow." Bonnie widen his eyes and stood straight. Was the big Freddy Fazbear asking a tiny bunny rabbit to dinner with him. "Y-you mean like a date?" Bonnie questioned. "Yes!, I mean no, I mean I guess." Freddy sighed feeling so stupid about how he was acting in front of Bonnie. Bonnie just giggled and took ahold of Freddy's hands. "It's ok you don't have to be embrassed." Freddy sighed then a smiled formed on his face. "So that's a yes then?" Bonnie smiled and blushed a bit. He couldn't believe that Freddy was asking him out, it was a dream come true. "Yes Freddy, I would love to go with you." Freddy wagged his nub of a tail in excitement, he couldn't believe that Bonnie said yes, it was like a dream come true. "Great, meet me at the front door tommorow at 5:00 in the evening." Bonnie smiled and couldn't help but wag his own little cotton tail. "I sure will Freddy." They just smiled and stared into each others eyes not wanting to let their hands go. It was like they could stay in that moment forever. Finally after a while they finally let go of each other's hands. "Well, goodnight Bon." Freddy said smiling. Bonnie backed up into his room smiling and slowly closing the door. "Goodnight Fred." The minute the door was shut Bonnie ran to his bed and jumped on it with joy as he squealed and snuggled the pillow to his face like a teenage girl.

The minute the door was shut Freddy excitedly scurried to his room, quickly shutting the door and picking up the phone. He was so happy he could barely punch the right numbers into his phone. "Hello is this the Golden Rose? I would like to make a reservation for two for the Paris Special. Thank you." He couldn't hold back his excitement. Tomorrow night would be the night the he finally told Bonnie how he truly felt about him.

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