Chapter 10

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Ever since then Freddy and Bonnie have become the unlikely friends that anyone has ever heard of. Their relationship went from boss and employee relationship to a bond that seemed impossible to even begin. Even Foxy and Chica were shocked by it. They would just sit in the office and talk for hours as they worked. It just didn't make sense how a brute like Freddy and a sweetheart like Bonnie could form a friendship. However, their friendship would soon turn into something more but they couldn't see that just yet.

They were in the office working and their duties for the day. Freddy was at the desk paying bills and filing taxes. Bonnie was taking calls sceduling appoinment and parties for visitors. He actually found the business end very interesting and how it all worked. Throughout the whole day they just worked and made conversation with each other. They talked about what they loved, hated, their hobbies and many more. Freddy kept thinking about the day he had Bonnie clean out the garden. He had been thinking about it for a while now. It seemed to him that Bonnie enjoyed gardening as a hobby and he wanted to find out. Freddy turned to look at Bonnie who was on the bed working at the schedule. "Hey Bonnie, can I ask you something." Bonnie looked up from his work and glanced at Freddy. "Sure what is it?" Freddy had to think of a clever way to ask without making it obvious. So he came up with a question to ask. "What's your favorite season?" Bonnie put down the scedule and turned towards to Freddy. "Well, my favorite season would be spring." Freddy nodded his head and continued on. "How come?" Bonnie eyes suddenly became stary and a small blush formed on his cheeks. "I-i don't know, I guess just the way the cool breeze feels aganist my face, the beautiful songs of the birds, the bright colors, and most importantly the sight of all the beautiful flowers everywhere." Freddy couldn't help but just stare and blush at Bonnie. He actually found Bonnie's fondness for spring to be kinda cute. "Is that why you enjoyed cleaning out the garden?" Bonnie snapped back into reality and looked at Freddy. "huh?" Freddy strached the back of his head. "I-i mean you seemed like you enjoyed cleaning out the garden." A smile grew on Bonnie's face. "Oh, I just enjoy gardening. It's one of my many hobbies." Freddy was able to get his answer and it was exactly what he was hoping for. He stood up and grabbed his coffee mug. "Oh, I can get it for you Freddy." Bonnie said standing up. Freddy stopped him and smiled. "I'm a big boy I can get it myself besides you did more than enough for today, take the day off." Bonnie stared at Freddy bewildered. "A-are you sure?" Bonnie asked. Freddy winked and chuckled "Yes Bonnie." Bonnie instantly blushed red and gripped his chest. He didn't know why but when Freddy did that it made him look handsome in a way. "T-thank you Freddy, have a good rest of the day!" With that Bonnie quickly walked out of the office and headed to his room. "You too Bonnie." Freddy said before making his way to the kitchen.

Foxy and Chica were taking in the kitchen when Freddy walked in to get coffee. "Wow this be the second time ye went to get coffee on your own. Did ye fire Bonnie?" Foxy asked. Freddy looked back at him with a small glare. "No I didn't I gave him the rest of the day off." Chica raised her brow and smirked. "Seems Mr. Fazbear turned into a Mr. Teddy Bear." Freddy let out a small growl. "Hey zip it, if I wanted any lip from you I'd have order the $20 fill up from KFC!" Chica squeaked and hid behind Foxy. Freddy sighed and took a seat at the table. "But I do need some help." Foxy and Chica both stared at Freddy bewildered, this was the first time that he had ever asked for advice from them before. They didn't know what to do so they made sure to be very cautious about what they said. "Um what's on your mind boss?" Chica asked. Freddy said as he looked at them. "It's about Bonnie, at first I hated him but now this past mouth things have changed with me and him." Freddy was staring to form a hint of blush on his cheeks. Chica and Foxy both noticed and looked at each other with smirks on their faces then look back towards Freddy. "What ye mean captain?" Foxy questioned. Freddy rubbed his forearm being a little uncomfortable about the topic. "I don't know, I just started to enjoy his presents and I seem to care about his well being." Foxy let out a chuckle. "You care about somebody else besides yourself for once?" Freddy had enough of their sarcasm and snapped. "ENOUGH YOU TWO!" They both shut up and stared at him in fear. Freddy sighed and collected himself. "Look, I've never felt this way about anyone before. I wanna do something special for him" Chica was good at reading people and she could tell that Freddy was actually being serious. She sat there and started to realize that Bonnie was actually changing Freddy into someone new. "You really mean this don't you?" Chica asked. Freddy nodded his head and looked at her. "I think that's really sweet of you Freddy." Freddy smiled and fiddled with his coffee mug. "What can I do?" Freddy asked. "Well, theres the usually flowers, chocolates, promises ye don't attend to keep." Foxy said. Chica punched him in the arm glaring at him and looked back at Freddy. "You should make it simple but also very special. Is there something he likes?" Freddy thought about it for a moment then remembered what Bonnie said. "He said he enjoys gardening." Chica thought about it then a smile formed on her face. "I got it!" She leaned towards Freddy and whispered in his hear. He quickly stood up with excitement. "Chica your a genius, thank you!!" He stormed out of the kitchen heading to Bonnie's room leaving Chica giggly and Foxy very confused.

Freddy knocked on Bonnie's door hoping he would answer. After a minute Bonnie finally opened the door and stood there in shock. "Fr-Freddy what are you doing?" Freddy stood there looking down at the bunny with pink flushed on his cheeks. "I-i wanted to say that I want you to come with me tomorrow." Bonnie tilted his head a little. "Where is that exactly?" "It's a surprise, but I would like it if you accompanied me." Bonnie could see that something was off with Freddy but he didn't want to question it so he let it slide and smiled. "Sure, I can go." Freddy smiled on the outside but in the inside fireworks were going off. "Thanks Bonnie, see you tomorrow morning!" Freddy then took off back down to his office. Bonnie just stared on watching him. He didn't know why but he could see Freddy changing for the better. He didn't know why he didn't see it before but he couldn't help but slowly fall for this new side of Freddy.

To Tame a Monster; A Fronnie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now