Chapter 8

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Bonnie felt like like he was about to piss himself. He didn't know who this person was and all he wanted to do was go home. "W-who are y-you?" Bonnie asked as he started to back away from the figure. He was suddenly stop by two more dark silhouettes behind him. Small whimpers could be heard from him as the figures moved closer to him. "Don't worry little one we're just gonna have some fun~" The main leader of the three said with a smirk on his face. Within a that second Bonnie's reflexes kicked in and he dropped the bag of groceries and lunged at the leader punching him in the face and used it as a chance to run away. Bonnie could hear their footsteps and them shouting behind him. He shouted as he ran for his life. "Help! Somebody please help me!!" Turned around a bend hoping to escape but it was a dead end. He turned around to run back the other way but they were already there. All three of them pulled out their knifes and walked closer to Bonnie. "Your a dead bunny now!!" He backed up all the way until his was against the wall. This was it, he was going to die. He closed his eyes as hot tears sprung out while he wait for death to be quick and over with. Within that moment of still silence the most ferocious and terrifying roar could be heard.

Freddy was able to find Bonnie just in time. It disgusted him how these three assholes would harm an innocent little bunny like Bonnie for their own selfish pleasures. His fur was spiked and standing up on his back and shoulders. His muzzles curled on itself showing his massive fangs. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!!" Freddy demanded in a loud growl. The three silhouettes turned to faces Freddy. The main leader chuckled and raised his knife. "Or what fatass your gonna kill us?" He asked in a cocky tune. Freddy kept his eyes narrowed and he engaged his claws out. "Don't try it!" He warned them. The main leader looked back at his lackeys and nodded his head. The other two stepped back and grabbed ahold of Bonnie. He started to kick and squirm trying to get free. "Get your hands off me!" Freddy growled even louder and stepped a little closer. "LET HIM GO!" The leader step in front of Freddy. "If you want the bunny your gonna have to get through me first." Freddy nodded his head as the two of them waited for someone to make the first move. After a while of silence the dark figured made the first move and Freddy lunged back at him.

The figure tried to strike Freddy but he wasn't quick enough and Freddy grabbed ahold of him by his hoodie and threw him against the brick wall. One of the lackeys let go of Bonnie and charged at Freddy punching him in the face. Freddy stumped back and regained his balance. He growled and rushed at the guy tackling him to the ground. "Boss look out!" Bonnie screamed. Freddy was about to look up but the leader jumped on Freddy's back and stabbed his knife into Freddy's shoulders. He let out a loud roar and hissed from the pain. "NO!!" Bonnie kept on screaming and watching on in horror as tried to break free. Freddy grabbed ahold of the leader and slammed him on the ground. This time without hesitation he dugged his nails into his neck causing him to bleed out. The leader squirmed and screamed until he stopped moving and laied motionless on the ground. The lackeys and Bonnie started in horror at what just happened. The lackeys made a mad dash out of there and ran for their lives. Bonnie and Freddy still stared at each other. Freddy's entire jacket was soaked in blood as he was sweating and panting hard. "B-boss?" Bonnie asked scared to make a sudden movement. "Bon-" Just then Freddy collapsed to the ground. "Boss!!" Bonnie screamed as he ran to Freddy's side and wrapped his arms around his shoulders trying to shake him awake. "Somebody please help us!!" Bonnie screamed and cried trying to wake him up. "Boss please wake up!!" Bonnie closed his eyes as he could hear Chica and Foxy in the distance running towards him.

Freddy laied on his bed unconscious as Bonnie tend to his wounds. Chica and Foxy were able to help carry Freddy back to the pizzeria and bandage him up. Bonnie couldn't believe what happened. Freddy, the guy who hated him, protected him and saved his life. He didn't know what to think but he was so touched by it. He felt the same feeling in his chest and couldn't help but smile to himself about it. Bonnie was cleaning Freddy's cut when Foxy and Chica came into the office. "How's he doing matey?" Foxy asked. Bonnie turned to them and sighed. "He's still out cold but he seems to be breathing fine." Bonnie replied as he wrapped Freddy's wound carefully. Chica walked up to Bonnie and hugged him from behind. "We're just gald that your ok Bonnie." He couldn't he but smile and let out a chuckle. "I'm fine don't worry." He looked back down at Freddy. "I can't believe he actually risked his life to save me." Foxy just sighed and shook his head. "Just when you think you have Freddy figured out he does stuff out of nowhere." Bonnie nodded his head as he took off Freddy's hat of his head. "You two can head to bed I'll watch after Freddy." Foxy and Chica both looked at each other then back at Bonnie. "Are ye sure lad?" Foxy asked. Bonnie looked at them then back at Freddy smiling "yeah I'll watch over him." They nodded and left the office. "Night Bonnie." Bonnie smiled and yawned "Night guys." He pulled up a chair next to Freddy's bed and rest his head on the nightstand. He sat there for a couple of minutes just looking at Freddy peacefully sleep. The thought of Freddy risking his life for him made him smile and blush pink on his cheeks. Nobody had ever did anything like that before for him and he knew he had to repay Freddy back. If it meant Bonnie had to take care of Freddy and run the pizzeria for him then he was all on board for it. Bonnie slowly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

To Tame a Monster; A Fronnie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now