Chapter 2: The Fountain

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*This chapter has been edited to be longer and I've fixed spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, if you find any more please tell me.*

Rin's Pov:

Once four eyes was done yelling at me and stormed off somewhere I actually got around to doing productive things like unpacking, took a shower and even a little bit of shopping- enough for me and Yukio this week since I know we'll be to busy to do much of anything because I will be starting in an entirely new school. Anyways the 'conversation' went exactly as I thought it would, he yells at me for being inconsiderate and I just kinda zone out after the first few words. I don't even know if Yukio noticed me not listening or not.

Currently I'm lazily strolling down hallways and stares leading to the front door. So with no care of getting caught or in trouble for whatever excuse someone would give me for doing anything- usually it's the 'Your dangerous and need to be watched you son of Satan you!' or whatever, as you can tell I don't pay much attention.

 I end up walking outside and to the school. While wandering around I found a water fountain in some kind of outdoor space, I sat next to a weird statue on the fountain and leaned against it resting my head on what I assume is its shoulder. I stared up at the open blue sky with only a few small pure white clouds, and that's when I started to hear talking and footsteps. I sighed but didn't move.

'Okay then.' I thought, still staring at the sky without a care in the world. The voices and footsteps got louder and with my with hearing I was beginning to be able to make out most of their words.

"How much longeeeeeeeeeer?" a whining voice said. 

"Not much longer, now quit your whining Shima." a deeper voice said. I amuse the whining one is 'Shima'.

And not long after that I kinda stopped listening. The world just faded into the background, the birds chirping, the water in the fountain, the footsteps, the conversations, all of it. I just laded there, on my back, staring at the sky.

'The sky's a lot clearer here than it is in my home town.' Was all I could think of. The world came back into view when the people I was hearing moments ago walked into the open space, they abruptly stopped talking and just stared at me. It was quite awkward- at least I think so.

"What?" I said in my normal monotone voice after a few seconds of seconds and them staring at me.

"N-nothing." the shortest kid with glasses said while at the same time the taller one with two-toned hair said "What are you doing here?" with a sneer.

"Sitting." I said.

"Well no shit." he said again.

"Umm, okay?" I said going back to my previous position on the fountain.

I heard the taller roster-looking kid grumble and walk away with the other two. When the sky stared getting dark I decried to return to my dorm, and see if Yukio even noticed me missing.

'Probably not.' I thought walking back to the dorm. The same lazy stride I had before when walking to the fountain in the first place.

I silently opened the door and walked into the kitchen. I looked around to see what I had to work with before I began to cook Yukio and myself dinner sense Yukio would burn the dorm down if he tried. I've tried and failed to teach him how to cook a decent meal- not my idea but his and Dad's. The most he can make is toast and even then it's not guaranteed it ends up as toast, do really without me he'd be living of cereal and bottled water- that is if his clumsiness doesn't get on the way first. Even when I fished making dinner I continued cooking, I still needed to make tomorrows lunch for myself and Yukio.

"You know you don't have to make lunch right now, right?" Yukio said sitting down at the table and started eating. I snorted and continued cooking.

"That's where you wrong dear brother." I said pausing "You always make your lunch the night before and stick it in freezer until morning and when you go to school you let it thaw during classes." I finished.

"Wow, I'm surprised you put such care towards food." he said looking up but continued eating.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't talk." I said sitting down and finally stared eating.

Word count: 846
Ehhhhhhh, my finger hurts. Also I don't know if anyone noticed but in my bio(?) thing I put when my last and next update is as well as my schedule, I've had a few people ask when some books will be updated so yeah, I guess just look there? I'm working on plots I promise! And one last thing- please read the very first thing at the top. 


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