Chapter 3: The Wall

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*This chapter has been edited to be longer and I've fixed spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, if you find any more please tell me.*

Rin's Pov: 

The only sound that fills the room is me tapping on my desk.


Short Pause,


Short Pause,

Tap, Tap

I  repeat the rhythm so many times I don't even notice it, I've subconsciously restarted the rhythm over and over but in the back of my mind I wonder who else can hear it. Now the thought if coming to front of my mind. I lean forward but continue tapping, resting my head in my palm- my elbow sitting on the desk.

I now realize the room is dead-silent besides quiet breathing my subconscious habit. I'm probably the only one able to hear the breathing because of, ya' know... enhanced demon senses. Though I am surprised it's this quite- I know we're taking a test but damn... It's kinda uncomfortable in a way.

I am sitting in the very back row and in the corner by the windows while everyone is closer to the front or on the opposite side of the room. That could be the reason no one hears me or they're just ignoring it.

'Either way I can't help it.' I sigh. I've already finished the test but 'Mr. High n' Mighty Four Eyes' said to stay seated when we finished.

Now I'm not one for listening to him but I'm to tired today and I don't want to hear another lecture today, he already gave me like 4 useless ones.

My newly decided peaceful time was all too quickly interrupted. I groan and sit up as the Rooster starts talking.

"Dude- shut up!" Rooster- I think his name is Bon or something- yells and turns around to look at me.

'So someone can hear me.' My thoughts come back from earlier and state the obvious.

I stay silent, roll my eyes and put my head back down on my arms, as well as keep tapping my finger but this time louder just in spite of the Rooster guy.

Not too long after I put my head down I hear Yukio start another one of his lectures about interrupting class but this time it's not aimed at me.

After everyone finishes Yukio gets up and collects the tests, when he's done with that he keeps us a but longer to talk about what we'll be doing the rest of the week- which is surprisingly a lot for it being the first week of school but whatever. I didn't really listen all I did hear was him dismissing everyone, so I stand up, grab my things and begin walking out of class.

I don't think Yukio noticed me leave because he was looking over the test but I'm almost positive he wouldn't have let me leave by myself.

~Time skip brought to you by my freezing cold fingers ~

It's 8:40 pm and I'm laying on my bed facing the yellow-ish wall. I don't know where Yukio is, I haven't seen him in hours. He can take care of himself so I'm not worried. I'm not protective of Yukio and I know he wouldn't care if I died- he's said it a few times and threatened to kill me himself with the whole pointing a gun at me in the beginning of class today and I ended up having to save his ass.

'Maybe he can't take care of himself...' My thoughts trail off.

I soon get sick of laying down and resort to sitting up and crossing my lets- but continue to face the wall.

'If Yukio comes back and I'm still facing the wall he's gonna have some questions huh?' I lean forward and rest my head on the wall.

I shift my sight to look down at my lap and gaze at my arms and hands.

'I'm very pale.' Thank you thoughts for stating the obvious once more today.

I've always been abnormally pale, so has Yukio. I've never been able to really tan. I get to a certain point and then I start to get sun burns almost every time I go out side for to long. Sun screen or not. I know Yukio has the same problem 'cus I've lived with him my entire 15 years of existing.

I'm pretty sure at this point I've zoned out because next thing I know I finally notice my jerk twins smell in the room. I don't move, I'm too tired to do much of anything.

But I am capable of releasing a sigh at the thought of Yukio talking to me.

'I should've pretended to sleep or something. Maybe just lay down and hide my face until I actually pass out.' My thoughts taunts me with the things I could've done to avoided this.

'Might as well get the conversation over with' I think and without warning fall back- startling Yukio. I'm proud that I can still make the 'all powerful' Yukio flinch.

My legs are still crossed and head's hanging off the edge of the bed. I look to see Yukio standing there in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest staring right back at me. When he sees I'm looking at him he raises an eyebrow, signaling to ask questions.

'How long have I've been staring at the wall and how long has Yukio been standing there?' I question myself even though I don't have the answer.

"Can I help you?" I ask as though I wasn't just staring at a blank wall a few seconds ago for who-knows-how-long.

"No." He says and walks back over to his bed to continue whatever he was doing before he deiced to bother me.

"Cool." I say, sitting back up to face the wall like I was before Yukio came in.

I remain like that, unmoving and silent until Yukio starts talking to me.

Word count: 1036

Oof. Okay this chapter just gained like 500 more words.

Do I have classes tomorrow? 


Am I going to go to bed around 2 or 3 am instead of getting a goods night sleep?

Also yes.


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