Chapter 7: 'Like I Said'

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*This chapter has been edited to be longer and I've fixed spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, if you find any more please tell me.*

Rin's Pov:

We walked past many exorcists when we arrived. Where are we, you may be asking?

I have no fucking clue.

Yukio just told me to get in the car and still being effected by the pain in my back I was not in the mood nor mindset to argue with him. So when the driver stopped at this big ass empty bridge I realized I probably should've asked questions before getting in the vehicle. But, at the moment I'm not to worried about where I'm at but more concerned about what these exorcist are planing to make me do.

As we walk closer I begin to be able to see the exorcists standing side-by-side in a curved line with weapons and shields. And they're sounding a giant cat?

'Which is what I'm guessing is the 'out of control familiar' Yukio was talking about before we came. I heard many exorcists say it was dad's familiar'

Every exorcist was staring at me as Yukio dragged me closer and closer, eventually bringing me in front of the exorcists and right in front of the familiar.

'Ah yes. 'Protection' at it's finest brother and Mephisto. But I guess it's really just brothers.' My thoughts mock.

The exorcist seem to relax a bit when I'm in front of them instead of behind.


"They really called for an ExWire to do a professionals job." I mumbled quietly before I could filter what I was saying.

I don't think that Yukio heard me because of the lack of reaction from him but the familiar seemed to hear me clearly. 

The cat- what I presume is a Cat Sídhe turned it's head to look at me. It's eyes were a piercing and glowing green but they were clouded of what someone would describe as sadness.

Or at least that's my best guest from watching people for 15 years, feeling aren't really my strong suit but I'm not completely incapable of them even if many people may disagree with that statement. And not to mention after years of watching the same feelings be expressed all around you 24/7, and people trying to figure out what's wrong with you because you don't express the same feelings they do, you begin to pick up on how to recognize what these feelings look like and how to fake them.

My eyes trailed down to it's neck, it had a collar with an exorcist pendant that every exorcist seems to wear.

I look back over my shoulder at the exorcist and roll my eyes.

'They aren't even doing anything, they probably just want me kill it.' I start walking towards the familiar but before I'm able to take a step I feel a hand on my shoulder I immediately know it's Yukio.

Before he said anything I cut him off. "You dragged me all the way out here and nobody's doing their job. I want to go back to the doom and sleep 'cus I'm tired, now if you don't mind- I'm going to quickly get this over with." I say. We stand their for a moment as he searches for something in my eyes. Whatever he's looking for he wont find. I don't and wont give him the chance too.

I brush him off and walk forward.

The Cat Sídhe starts growling as I get closer but he doesn't move. Once I'm a few feet away from him I start talking.

"You know, whatever your doing here isn't worth it." I say a little louder than normal.

The familiar glares at me. "How would you know?!" He replies and glares at me.

"Your upset that Shiro isn't around any more, right. Well it ain't worth it. He's gone and there's nothing you can do about it!" This time I shout.

"RAWR!" He growls but I hear a wimpier in his cry that he's trying to hide.

"Your lonely, I know. I miss him too, and I may not be the best example of understanding feelings but I can understand enough to know it hurts." I say only loud enough for him to hear.

He begins to whimper more, and his eyes begin to shine as tears form in his eyes.

"You miss him, but you not the only one. I'm Rin, Shiro's son- so why don't we just take a break from all this and calm down, yeah?" I hold out my hand, he glances at it before looking up to meet my eyes.

"Shiro's... son..."

More tears are form rapidly as he cry's out, shrinking in the process- my eyes never leaving his. Most people would find my dull and cold eyes off putting but he seems to find comfort in them.

'Strange...' My own thoughts trail off as I walk towards the now small animal and pick him up.

I look down at the small creature in my arms, the exorcists long forgotten at this point. I look at the collar and search for a name tag- when I find one I flip it over and the read the name.


I look back up and walk to my brother

"I'm keeping him." I state waking past him. Not leaving any room for discussion because I know Yukio will take care of the paper work needed for having a familiar.

'Like I said... walk away and not look back.' I feel a small smirk creep it's way onto my face.

Word count: 962
I'm quite happy with how this chapter turned out, and this chapter along with the next 2 are some of my favorites in this book.


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