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I walked to the end of the road and gulped before opening the door to my house.

Dad: "So where have you been?"


He grabbed my shirt and pushed me up against the wall yelling, "TELL ME!"

My lips parted to say something but nothing would come out.

What am I supposed to say?

I was beaten up and passed out and someone carried me all the way to their house...

No way I'm saying that.

Dad: "Are you not gonna tell me?!"

I looked down and gulped.

I can't tell him.

Dad: "Alright then."

He punched me in the face and started punching and kicking me until I passed out.

I opened my eyes and quickly sat up.

I passed out again...

I need to get to school...

I rushed to get ready and left the house.

I didn't have time to put on any concealer so I just put on an extra large hoodie to cover it up.

I stepped outside my house and started walking in the direction of the school, when I saw Y/n waving at me.

I stopped and she walked over to me.

I quickly looked down and she stopped in front of me.

Y/n: "Hey, are you feeling better now?"

Jimin: "Y... Yeah..."

Y/n: "You're a bit late, but I wanted to wait for you. We'd better hurry up."

I nodded and started walking but she stopped me by holding my arm gently.

Y/n: "Why aren't you looking at me...?"

Why today out of all days you had to come?

I can't let her see my face...

Y/n: "Jimin?"

Jimin: "...We need to get to school, hurry up."

Y/n: "Why aren't you looking at me, tell me."

I pushed her arm away and walked past her but she yanked my hood off and turned me around to face her.


Y/n: "J... Jimin..."

I turned around and walked off to school.

I didn't want to deal with this.


What happened to him...?

He wouldn't have gone out tired and weak like that...

So something happened at home.

Did he have a fight or...

Was it his parents?

I need to talk with him. Now.

You ran to school and looked around everywhere for Jimin.

Lisa: "Looking for Jimin?"

You turned around and glared at her.

Y/n: "Where the hell is he?"

Lisa: "First tell me why do you care so much about him?"

Why do I care I dunno maybe cause of all those bruises and everything.

Y/n: "Just tell me where he is!"

Lisa: "Well he ran off somewhere and I don't know where, so forget him and get to class."

Forget him...

I don't think so. I'm finding him.

You ran around everywhere looking for him until a teacher stopped you and you were forced to the head teachers office.




Please be okay Jimin.

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